Schuyler Towne: Locksport: An emerging subculture

Published: Jan. 9, 2006, 11:10 p.m.

Locksport is nothing new, but it's recent attention in the media and sudden growth have made it a popular topic. This talk will settle some of the bigger debates about the Locksport community. Are we criminals? Are we having a positive impact on modern security? Who started it? Who's advancing the field? And, why do we do it?

This talk will cover a brief history of locks, but will focus primarily on how the locksport community has grown, it's ethics (and ethical struggles) and it's impact on modern security. You will not learn how to pick locks at this talk, but you will learn how lockpickers have impacted your everyday lives.

So, if you've ever taken an interest in good old physical security, come out and learn about the new generation of hardware hackers. Pick the planet!" Schuyler Towne is a board member of The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers, US and editor in chief of NDE Magazine. He has had the pleasure of competing in the Dutch Open, looks forward to this years LPCon, and keeps good company.