Self-Driving Cars get Disrupted

Published: April 2, 2017, 9:29 p.m.

March was not without incidents for UBER. An UBER driver plowed into a gas pump causing it to explode. A human was driving though.

Last week a self-driving UBER SUV was also involved in an accident. UBER shut down the self-driving program at that point in Arizona, San Francisco and Pittsburgh while investigated the accident.

Google self-driving cars have also been involved in accidents. According to their own accident reports, their self-driving cars were involved in 14 collisions. Out of 14 crashes their test cars were at fault only once, when they dinged the back of a bus at 5 miles per hour.

Still, this technology is getting better every day. This will cause a massive disruption sooner than you might think.

This episode looks at what self-driving cars will be like.