Stuck in the Suburbs

Published: March 24, 2023, 6:15 p.m.


Hey all you fangirls! It\'s time to put on your low rise jeans, layer up those tank tops, and go back to the year 2004 for our review of the popstar-tastic DCOM, Stuck in the Suburbs. Joining Jana is fellow fangirl and pop culture loving return guest Robin! Let these 90s babies take you back to their childhood with their discussions of Aly & AJ, 13 Going on 30, whether Jessie McCartney looks better as a blonde or brunette, how the High School Musical Tour got away with not including Zac Efron, and how terrible fedoras are\\u2014like seriously, is there a worse trend from that time??? We hope this episode speaks to the inner fangirl in all of you <3



PS We forgot to mention the ICONIC Anneliese van der Pol song that\'s in this film so enjoy a little taste of this banger at the end :D


Listen to Robin on the Princess Diaries episode!



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