S1E57 - Pixel Perfect

Published: Oct. 7, 2020, 1:30 a.m.

SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST WEEK IT'S HARD TO KEEP UP. Trump refused to condemn white supremacists and told them to "stand by" because he's racist. This ties into everything. Joe Biden is almost NO ONE'S ideal candidate, but not voting for him will continue to let things get worse. It will be bad for so many people. Black lives matter. Intersectional lives matter. VOTE and stay up to date because it's crazy and exhausting.

This week we watched our first DCOM from 2004! Pixel Perfect starring dreamboat, Ricky Ullman, left us confused about 2004's understanding of holograms?? We also question WHY Leah Pipes looks SO familiar to us?? But come up blank. Next week we watch out last DCOM featuring a Lawerence brother in Going to the Mat.

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