Understanding Noam Chomsky #5: Science, Common Sense, & Constructivism (with James McGilvray)

Published: July 8, 2020, 4:08 p.m.

This conversation is part of the 'Understanding Noam Chomsky' Series ('Dare to know!' Philosophy Podcast). Today we are joined by James McGilvray. James McGilvray is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at McGill University, Montréal. He has written a general introduction to Chomsky’s work (Chomsky 1999; second edition, 2014) and edited and contributed to The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky (2005) and the second (2002) and third (2009) editions of Chomsky’s seminal Cartesian Linguistics (Cambridge University Press). Today, we focus in particular on his book ‘Chomsky: Language, Mind and Politics’.