Published: July 20, 2020, 9:56 a.m.

RESPECT. We often demand it from our kids, require it from our wives and seek it from our colleagues.

But real respect is earned and takes work to develop. And we do this with our demeanour, speech and our actions. In the same way, we earn respect from ourselves. By doing, saying things that we can respect, that call to the best version of ourselves to manifest. And this is the most important source of respect.

There is a gap between who we are now and the person we are capable of being and when we make choices that are more in line with the husband, father, friend and colleague we know we can be, we start respecting ourselves more. And when we truly respect ourselves,  we no longer seek the approval of others, yet automatically receive it from those that matter, as we treat others with respect and are able to serve them to the best of our ability.

Making word and action choices based on what we respect, instead of those that don't make a huge difference to our success in all roles in life, and helps us to build a legacy that positively impacts the lives of our children.