DadStoic: SELF: Control

Published: Jan. 3, 2020, 10:50 a.m.

When we think of self-control we naturally think of self discipline, keeping our emotions in check and havng the will power to say no to things that do not benefit us. And it is that last past that we need to focus on just as much as we need to focus on ourselves. In Stoicicm we learn to use our energy to focus on the things we have complete control of, but it is just as important to recognise the things that are not in our control and let go of them. Things like the past, and even the future, the emotions and behaviour of the people in our lives and the circumstances we sometimes find outselves in. As fathers who want to perform in the important arenas of our lives, we don't have time or energy to waste on those things. Imagine how much we could accomplish and the contentment we would find if we let go of our need to control things that will never be in our control.