Published: May 20, 2020, 1:09 p.m.

Today I am fortunate to have Adam Schafer on the Dad Strong Podcast. Adam is one of the founding members of Mind Pump Media, who put out a Top 10 Podcast on fitness and wellness that has over a million listens each month in more than a hundred countries.

Adam and Mind Pump is dedicated to giving honest fitness and health information to cut through the bullshit of an industry plagued by charlatans nad people clambering for attention and putting the dollar above actually helping people.

Although Adam and I touch on fitness and the importance having a strong body plays in being an effective father, our conversation hinges largely around developing and exercising self- awareness and how this ability can be an underrated superpower in helping us be the husbands, fathers and men we are capable of being. I was really challenged by how intentional Adam and his wife have been about having a child and how they are going to raise little Max, and I know that you will leave this podcast reflecting on how you too can improve in Loving, Leading and building a legacy worthy of your family.