Steve Austin, Fugitive

Published: June 25, 2013, 7 a.m.


Steve Austin is accused of the murder of an OSI lab technician.  In addition, some of his bionic technical specs have gone missing.  Has Steve gone rogue or is this an elaborate plan of an evil genius?  It's really neither as we'll find out in this week's discussion.  This episode is the final episode of the second season of The Six Million Dollar Man.  It is also the premiere episode for Jennifer Darling as Oscar's secretary, Callahan.  Paul and John are joined by author, musician, and podcaster, Keith R.A. DeCandido to discuss this episode, a sequel to "Eyewitness to Murder".

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Keith R.A. DeCandido has been, at various times, an author, editor, critic, book packager, musician, television personality, and probably some other things, too, but he can't remember due to the lack of sleep.

On the fiction-writing side, he has more than thirty novels to his credit, along with short stories, eBooks, comic books, novellas, and nonfiction. Most of his work has been in various media tie-in universes, ranging from TV shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, CSI: NY, Doctor Who, Farscape, Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Star Trek, Supernatural, Xena, Young Hercules) to comic books (the Hulk, Spider-Man, the Silver Surfer, X-Men) to games (Classic BattleTech, Command and Conquer, Magic: the Gathering, StarCraft, World of Warcraft). He also wrote the novelizations of Joss Whedon's Serenityand all three Resident Evil films. Most of his non-tie-in work is in the milieu of his 2004 novel Dragon Precinct, a high-fantasy police procedural.

As an editor, Keith has put together twenty anthologies (some behind-the-scenes, some credited), was the editorial director of the Marvel Comics novels published in the 1990s by Boulevard Books, supervised the monthly Star Trek eBook line from 2001-2008, and edited dozens of books.

Keith is also a professional percussionist—currently a member of the parody band, Boogie Knights, and having also played with the Don't Quit Your Day Job Players, Steve Rosenhaus, the late David Honigsberg, and the Randy Bandits—and a brown belt in Kenshikai karate. Find out less at his web site at or read his inane ramblings at