CyberSpeak March 31 2008

Published: April 1, 2008, 5:50 p.m.

Bret and Ovie discuss a listeners question about a sting operation to lure people wanting to look at child porn to click on a fake web link and get busted for âattempted possession of child pornâ?. What do you think? Fair or Unfair? We think it is NOT entrapment but could be too close to the line. Itâs Miller Time after hacking an Apple in 2 minutes and Vista proves more secure than apple in CanSecWest. The government can now wiretap for a week before submitting a request to wiretap suspected terrorist. The King of Spam gets 26 years in jail. A new vulnerability affecting PHPbb sites, 30 months in prison for spoofing telephone numbers and placing phony emergency calls to manipulate police SWAT teams, Websites of the week include Stuff White People Like, and A special tech tip - append â&fmt=6â? (NO QUOTES) to the URL of your You Tube Video for better resolution.