Cyber Speak November 7, 2009

Published: Nov. 8, 2009, 1:47 p.m.

Today on Cyberspeak we have an interview with Matt Shannon from f-Response about the new, soon to be released Tactical edition of f-Response. Ovieâs on Google Wave - but no one else is. Listeners email, Windows 7 sold over 200% more in first week of sales than Vista. Sofoâs lab says you still need to run anti-virus on Windows 7. Microsoft, in the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report released yesterday, stated that "The infection rate of Windows Vista SP1 was 61.9 percent less than that of Windows XP SP3." Firefox 3.6 Beta (for Mac Win & Lin) is out for those who like living on the edge and for those forensic examiners that like testing new versions to identify .  Forensic Evidence Secures Death Penalty-Gang Members use Social Networking Too.  IC3 reports increase in compromise of user's online banking credentials target commercial bank accounts

The Personal Data Privacy and Security Act was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee by a vote of 15-5 The bill would required notifications of not just individuals affected by a data breach, but also, in some cases, credit reporting agencies and the U.S. Secret Service (not FBI). It would establish a new Office of Federal Identity Protection within the FTC. Let's get ready to Rumble earns 400 million in IP revenue.

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