GP Walsh: A Place of Perfect Satisfaction

Published: June 6, 2014, 7 p.m.

A life lived simply trying to please primal desires cannot be ultimately filling. The hamster wheel of desire never ends—it is perpetual and distracting. Consciousness is the ability to direct our desires toward something greater than simple worldly achievement. When we identify with something bigger than desire, we become purposeful and empowered. When we become attuned to "the something" that wants to unfold through us, our wants become less constricted to worldly outcomes and less addictive in the way they consume our attention. Our choices and behavior take on an integrity. Our base desires are held in a greater context—they're just wants on the way to an emergent possibility. We surrender our survival impulse to a creative and evolutionary impulse that naturally emerges out of who we really are. This is a short synopsis of our compelling conversation with GP Walsh on this episode of Cutting Edge Consciousness.