Curse of Strahd Episode 64 - Gathering Allies?

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 8:03 p.m.

b'The party split up to cover more ground (and not because some players were on holiday). an unwelcome invitation catches the group off guard.\\nFor back ground information on the campaign please check out\\n\\xa0\\nThe party regroup in Vallaki and plan the next moves to crash "the Wedding of the Decade..."\\n\\xa0\\nWe have gone online on twitch. so feel free to come join us live (normally Thursday 7 UK time)\\n\\xa0\\nEpisode 64 of a new campaign based on the Curse of Strahd adventure path.\\n\\xa0\\nNew episode every Thursday. Join a group of LARPers (and Matt) every week on their adventures in Barovia.\\n\\xa0\\nPrefer to see us?'