Getting REAL on my 2nd Solocast - Year in Review

Published: Dec. 24, 2019, 5 a.m.

It's been a wild ride this year! From starting my own podcast to helping others start theirs and lots of twists and turns along the way, I've learned some major lessons this year - and I'm sharing them with you.

Here's a sneak peek!

  1. Podcasting!
  2. Building Your Life Resume
  3. Family: Interrupted
  4. Just Keep Creating
  5. Time is Ticking Louder

As I mentioned in this week's solocast, Little Left of Center is also broadcasting on DecaturFM and Salesforce Radio. If you haven’t hit subscribe yet, please make sure you do so you never miss an episode of these perspective-shifting conversations. Leave a review. SHARE it with your friends and enemies. Sign up for Press Play Podcasts before the registration closes launching on Jan 6, 2020.  What a great way to seize the  the new decade and make it yours! Connect with me on the socials at Instagram, LinkedIn Facebook or good old fashioned email.Thank you so much for listening and I’ll see you next week! HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!