Episode 7 Are You Raising a Highly Sensitive Teenager? Try This Antidote Today.

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 1 p.m.


Hey parents,

Are you raising a highly sensitive teenager?

Welcome back to Episode #7 where we\\u2019re going to explore some of the characteristics of a highly sensitive person and offer you an antidote that cultivate her resiliency and empower even the most sensitive young lady to firmly advocate for herself.\\xa0

Let\\u2019s begin with a snapshot of what it means to be a highly sensitive person.

Author and Researcher Elaine Aron coined the term \\u201chighly sensitive person\\u201d in the early 1990\\u2019s.

And offers these initial questions so you can get a feel for if your daughter may be sensitive.

Aaron asks \\u2026\\xa0

  • Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time?
  • Do you make a point of avoiding violent movies and TV shows?
  • Do you make it a high priority to arrange your life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations?
  • When you were a child, did your parents or teachers see you as sensitive or shy?

If these questions and scenarios sound familiar to you, you and your daughter may want to listen to this episode together.

Because it\\u2019s important for her to recognize that you\\u2019re not alone and, sometimes life can send confusing messages, such as:

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0busy, stressed out people are often viewed as more productive or more successful

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0and constantly being on emotional overload is just part of the teenage landscape

Ah, I probably don\\u2019t need to tell you that chronic stress and emotional overload don\\u2019t make you more productive or more successful.

So, rather than your daughter feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and trying to self-soothe with food, alcohol or massive amounts of media, lets offer her an ANTIDOTE.
The antidote is Self \\u2013 K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E.

Okay, let\\u2019s dive in by breaking down the word KNOWLEDGE.

K \\u2013 know that it is OKAY to for your daughter to say NO to requests that don\\u2019t fit her core values.\\xa0

N \\u2013 never underestimate your ability to do anything \\u2013 you can always combat your fear with courage.

O \\u2013 own the messages your instincts are telling you.\\xa0

W \\u2013 wonder about which environment is most conducive to your learning style.

L \\u2013 love yourself wholeheartedly by recognizing you have many, many layers.\\xa0

E \\u2013 explore your unique gifts with a sense of curiosity.\\xa0

D \\u2013 discover where you can \\u201cfind your people\\u201d or your tribe.

G \\u2013 get honest with yourself about what you need.

E \\u2013 enlist family and friends to support you.

Here\\u2019s the deal, when your daughter is able to embrace who she is, she\\u2019ll feel more confident to:

  • advocate for herself
  • tackle difficult conversations
  • welcome life\\u2019s new adventures

And there are so many adventures ahead of her.

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
