Episode 5 How to Turn Your Daughter's Fears into Opportunities to Grow

Published: Oct. 20, 2020, 11 a.m.


Are your daughter\\u2019s FEARS preventing her from reaching her true potential?

Fear can be a powerful force \\u2013 and rattle even the most confident teenager.

As parents, you know that learning to navigate fear and uncertainty are just part of life \\u2013 and 2020 just keeps on challenging and pushing us.

That\\u2019s why, alongside all the covid related stuff, I\\u2019m noticing an uptick in breadth and depth fear is having on my clients.

My clients are sharing that the everyday stuff feels heavier, like \\u2026

  • Not living up to their parents\\u2019 standards or other people\\u2019s expectations
  • Disappointing herself by setting a goal and feeling like she failed to reach it
  • Being rejected by her peers, either at school or in sports or clubs
  • Making a stupid mistake in front of others (oh gosh, haven\\u2019t we all been there done that, I know I have, more than once!)
  • And having a label put on her that she must live up to or defend

So, what happens when your daughter\\u2019s emotional plate is full or overflowing?

It\\u2019s called emotional overload.

That\\u2019s when her fight, flight or fear stress response takes control over her thoughts and behavior.

Rather than allowing, dismissing, or overlooking all that she\\u2019s experiencing right now, let\\u2019s give her to 3 Practical Approaches she can easily practice anytime, any day to turn her fears into opportunities to grow.

The first approach is to: Get Quiet

It\\u2019s so easy to multi-task your day away, but that drains your energy pretty quickly.

Give your body and brain a break by \\u201cclosing all the tabs\\u201d you have open in your mind by focusing on one simple task for a few minutes.

The Second Approach is to: Get Curious

If you think of it this way, you fear is speaking to you, whether you want it to or not.

So, what\\u2019s the best way to understand what\\u2019s happening inside your mind and body?

To become a curious observer.

Okay, the third approach is to: Get Funky

Here\\u2019s the thing, there\\u2019s likely something inside your daughter\\u2019s head that\\u2019s telling her, it\\u2019s time to do things differently.

This may sound a little silly, though, have you heard unofficial definition of insanity?

It\\u2019s doing the same thing over and over BUT expecting a different result.

Anyhow, if you look at these 3 Practical Approaches \\u2013 what do they have in common?

They\\u2019re simple.

So, don\\u2019t overthink them \\u2013 but don\\u2019t underestimate them either.\\xa0

Show Notes:

Episode #4 Why it\\u2019s Important to Make Your Daughter\\u2019s Mental Health a Priority

Discover: Is Your Teen Daughter Resilient Enough for All of Life\\u2019s Adventures?

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
