Episode 14 Your Top Question of 2020 Answered "How Can I Help My Daughter Feel More Confident?"

Published: Dec. 22, 2020, noon


Hey Parents,\\xa0

If you could "gift" your daughter anything right now, what would it be?

I\\u2019m asking because, well, \\u2018tis the season for personal and spiritual growth as you celebrate the holidays that are meaningful to you and your family.

As a parent and teen coach, I feel incredibly blessed with the gift of connecting with you in this way and to share your daughter\\u2019s \\u2018ah-ha\\u2019 moments and personal growth.

But, as you know, with growth and expansion come challenging questions.

And when you combine your daughter\\u2019s ever-changing adolescent landscape with the teen-girl rites of passage, it can be tough to find clarity and strategies that work.

Welcome back to Episode #14

Where today we\\u2019re going to focus on setting your daughter up for success by addressing your top question of 2020.

And that question is \\u2026\\xa0

\\u201cHow can I help my daughter feel more confident?\\u201d

There are so many different scenarios where this question applies.

I want to share a few that I\\u2019ve heard because they may sound familiar for you, too\\u2026\\xa0

  • \\u201cMy daughter is going into high school; how can I help her be more self-confident?\\u201d
  • \\u201cMy daughter is trying out for the soccer team, how can I help build her confidence, so she walks in feeling ready?\\u201d
  • \\u201cMy daughter really wanted to join a certain club at school and didn\\u2019t get accepted - as you might imagine, this wrecked her confidence. What\\u2019s the best way to boost her back up so she can feel good about herself and keep going?\\u201d

As you can see, these are REAL life experiences that\\u2019ll influence the choices and decisions your daughter makes going forward.

So, what\\u2019s the best way to help your daughter feel more confident?

Tune in to today's podcast and get the 3 Key Strategies that'll help your daughter's confidence soar!

LISTEN IN: https://cultivatingresilientteens.com/podcast/

Podcast Resources:


GRIT The POWER of PASSION and PERSERVANCE | Angela Duckworth

Post Traumatic Growth

Root Word of the Day


Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
