Episode 12 A Simpler Way For Your Teenage Daughter to be Happier

Published: Dec. 8, 2020, noon


Can one magical moment in time make your daughter happier?

I believe it can!\\xa0

Welcome back to Episode #12

Where we\\u2019re going to get a little personal for the sake of guiding your daughter around the proverbial dark hole \\u2013 a life lesson that wasn\\u2019t exactly graceful for me.\\xa0

I\\u2019m going to begin by asking you kind of fiery question \\u2013 and you\\u2019ll understand why once we get this conversation going.

Is possible that your teenage daughter too stubborn to change?

Well, I certainly was.

And blurring the lines between loyalty and certainty didn\\u2019t help me, either.\\xa0

Because here\\u2019s the thing about growing up - sometimes we get stuck in our own thinking.

We believe \\u2026I\\u2019m this or I\\u2019m that OR I\\u2019m good at this and terrible at that.\\xa0

In my case, my stubborn pride kept me thinking \\u2026 I\\u2019m a loyal person.

And loyal people stay in relationships and make them work.

But, as you probably know, life and relationships don\\u2019t really work that way.

And when things didn\\u2019t exactly go well, I did what so many teenagers do.

I spent countless hours hoping, wishing, and thinking \\u201cif only\\u201d the circumstances were different, then I\\u2019d be happy.\\xa0

And \\u201cif only\\u201d this person would just see things my way, our relationship will work out.

Well, it\\u2019s probably not surprising to hear this relationship was a complete roller coaster.

Until one day, when my magical moment came along.

Thankfully, one of my greatest mentors, my mom, shared a short story with me.

It was Portia Nelson\\u2019s Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.

I may have been more annoyed than grateful, but this little book was the catalyst that nudged me to:

  • Take responsibility for the choices I\\u2019d been making in my relationship
  • And acknowledge it was time to change \\u2013 change my behavior \\u2013 you know, all the things that were frustrating me.\\xa0

So, if your teenage daughter is:

  • Ignoring or short cutting her needs
  • Constantly making excuses to justify some of her choices
  • Or lingering in a relationship where she feels disrespected and undervalued

You\\u2019ll want to listen to this podcast together!

Honestly, looking back, I\\u2019m not sure how many times I walked right into the deep hole before I finally decided to go around, and eventually, chose a completely different path.

What I can tell you - is that once I realized,\\xa0

Even though being loyal is a lovely trait, my stubborn beliefs skewed the big picture.

What I was craving was\\xa0

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 a sense of certainty that things would work out

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 And that amazing feeling that comes with true love and connection

So now, I ask you \\u2026 what would you do?

Is your daughter open to looking at habits that may be keeping her from what she truly wants and needs?

If she\\u2019s ready, here\\u2019s some intel on what helps my clients create positive change.

You'll find all the important details on my Website, Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast.

I\\u2019m excited to connect with you all again next Tuesday.

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
