Episode 10 3 Easy Conversation Starters to Understand How the Covid-19 Pandemic is Affecting Your Teenage Daughter (so she can get the support she may need)

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, noon


Hey parents, welcome back to Episode #10 - today\\u2019s episode is short and sweet.

And I\\u2019m doing something I\\u2019ve never done before, I\\u2019m bypassing the originally scheduled podcast for a couple reasons.

First, it\\u2019s been a tough couple weeks for most teenagers.

My clients, their families, our friends, my family, no one is immune from covid fatigue.

And as much as I\\u2019m ready to deliver some good news, I feel the need to share something with you that\\u2019s incredibly important and especially relevant right now.

Honestly, it hurts my heart that we even have to talk about this, but as I was making dinner the other night, the nightly news was playing in the background.

And, my ears perked up when I heard them talking about the suicide of a young boy and I immediately recognized the father\\u2019s voice.

It\\u2019s a heart wrenching video that\\u2019s had over a hundred million views - so maybe you\\u2019ve seen it, too?

Not only did it catch my attention, but the statistics that followed, really pulled on my parental heart strings.

Now, as a parent of teenagers, I can certainly understand that it\\u2019s tough to know what\\u2019s "developmentally normal\\u201d because of the nature of the adolescent landscape.

The \\u2026

  • intense feelings
  • hormonal fluctuations
  • and all the other mental and emotional rites of passage

can definitely make it feel like a guessing game sometimes.

However, NOW, more than ever, I want to encourage you to keep a keen eye on your teenager and not dismiss the ups and downs as \\u201cjust a stage.\\u201d

And here\\u2019s why\\u2026the statistics from the NBC nightly news on Tuesday, November 17th stated that \\u201c11 to 17-year-old\\u2019s have been more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic.\\u201d

So, if there was ever a time to have those hard conversations about anxiety, disappointment, sadness, suicide, or self-harm, it\\u2019s now.

And, if you\\u2019re like most parents, it can be really challenging to know HOW to have one of those tough conversations.

Try these\\xa0 3 Easy Conversation Starters and help your daughter stay afloat during the covid-19 pandemic.\\xa0

Please remember, active listening is key.

The 3 Conversation Starter question's are:

1.\\xa0 \\xa0When you think about everything that covid has changed for you, what\\u2019s the hardest or weirdest thing?

2.\\xa0 \\xa0What do your friends think about what\\u2019s going on?

3.\\xa0 \\xa0If you could change anything in your life right now, what would it be?

Of course, it\\u2019s ideal to have an in-person conversation, though it\\u2019s not always realistic.

And sometimes it may be easier to bring things up or get things started via text or an emailed note - find what works for you.

And if you\\u2019re just not comfortable with this or just not sure what\\u2019s going on with your teenager, that\\u2019s okay.

You\\u2019re definitely not alone.

But DO find someone who can help and support you.

Lastly, the experts at the Child Mind Institute, things you\\u2019ll want to be aware of are:

  • behavioral and personality changes
  • angsty, irritable or withdrawn behavior
  • or if your teen talks about dying or death

As we move into the holidays, especially the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States, I want to say Thank You; I'm so grateful to each and every one of you for listening every week and sharing this podcast.

Podcast Resources:
ind the full descriptions and direct links on my website, https://cultivatingresilientteens.com/

NBC Nightly News Broadcast | 11.17.2020 | America Under Pressure Series

Child Mind Institute | Mental Health America / October 2020 |National Su

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
