Ep 44 Are you Raising a Highly Sensitive Teen? Empower her Sensitive Soul with this Proven Strategy

Published: Dec. 24, 2023, noon


I\\u2019ve never been a fan of new year\\u2019s resolutions. Maybe it\\u2019s because the conversations I had with my mom were more about reinventing ourselves. And so, I\\u2019ve always been a believer that you don\\u2019t need to wait until tomorrow, next month or for a big milestone \\u2013 you can begin again \\u2013 anytime.

Beginning again is simply about tuning in and being honest with yourself. Which, I\\u2019ll admit, wasn\\u2019t always easy for me. Growing up I was labeled as the \\u2018shy\\u2019 girl. But in reality, my shy demeanor was a byproduct of being highly sensitive.

And, if your daughter is a big feeler, please know that it\\u2019s a natural instinct to want to ignore or disengage from life\\u2019s challenges, especially if they feel too big and unsolvable.

The game changing point and the first step to cultivating a resilient teen for all her adventures in life is to develop self K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E or a clear sense of self.

This approach helped me embrace my gifts so I could begin again with an open-heart and clear mind and be who I wanted to be and show up how I wanted to show up in life.

That\\u2019s why I\\u2019m excited to share a fan favorite strategy with you in today\\u2019s episode. It\\u2019s a strategy that you and your daughter can start using right now \\u2013 no need to wait until the ball drops at midnight or you open up your 2024 calendar.

You can find the full episode and more resources for parenting your teenage daughter at https://cultivatingresilientteens.com/

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
