Ep - 41 The 3 Main Issues That Cause Social Anxiety and How to 'Grow Through' These Challenges

Published: Oct. 22, 2023, 10 a.m.


Hey parents, is your daughter\\u2019s social life running her or is she running her social life?\\xa0

Teenage girls come to me all the time feeling confused, hurt, and distraught by other people\\u2019s behavior. When someone says or does something that\\u2019s inconsistent with your perception of them, or different from how you believe they\\u2019re supposed to behave, it creates internal conflict. And internal conflict turns around and creates anxiety.

As you might imagine, I hear a lot about the daily lives of teenage girls in my 90 Days to a More Resilient Teen Coaching Program. So, if you\\u2019re not sure if your daughter\\u2019s social life is running her or if she\\u2019s running her social life, or why this is even important, stay tuned.\\xa0

For years my clients, teenage girls, have reported that their social scenarios consume 60% or more of their emotional bandwidth. Meaning, if there\\u2019s something stirring within her tribe or there\\u2019s a perceived social conflict, it\\u2019s really hard to concentrate in class, or be fully present with you at home.

\\xa0The 3 Main Issues: Rank, Reputation and Rumors

\\xa0Wouldn\\u2019t it be nice if social conflicts were less impactful or just disappeared altogether! I\\u2019m here to tell you, as strange as it may sound, that these conflicts offer an opportunity for your daughter to grow through what she\\u2019s going through.\\xa0

\\xa0Yes, it\\u2019s true. With the right tools, your daughter will cultivate her confidence, resilience, and integrity when she sees that she can handle and grow from any conflict.

While there are a zillion social scenarios that can be anxiety provoking, there are three that I repeatedly hear about. Because when they\\u2019re active, they turn a mild social\\xa0
conflict into a scary, intimidating one.\\xa0

The Entrance Strategy

The good news is, this episode introduces you to an effective, simple strategy your daughter can use anytime and anywhere!

What\\u2019s The Entrance Strategy?\\xa0 The Entrance Strategy consists of 3 clarifying and empowering questions that will give your daughter what she needs to \\u2018grow through\\u2019 what\\u2019s she\\u2019s going through.

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
