Ep - 33 Deactivate Your Daughters Self-Doubt with this Secret Formula

Published: June 2, 2021, 8 p.m.


Hey Parents, does your teenage daughter doubt herself or feel like there\\u2019s something fundamentally wrong with her when things don\\u2019t work out?

It\\u2019s so easy to weave the \\u201cUgh, what\\u2019s wrong with ME?\\u201d narrative into an emotionally triggering situation.

The Good News

The good news is, there\\u2019s an effective way for your daughter to deactivate doubt, get stronger and feel more self-confident.\\xa0

Welcome back to the Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast where you can find the full show notes at cultivatingresilientteens.com.

What\\u2019s Really Going On?\\xa0

So, as we move into the summer months, whether your daughter will be part of a\\xa0

  • new club
  • camp
  • team\\xa0

OR is planning to be more of a free-range chicken and in charge of her daily activities, it\\u2019s worth taking the time to continue to learn about her developing sense of self and how to design healthy social scenarios.\\xa0

Because, understanding how she sees herself, what she thinks about herself and how she talks to and about herself will give you the clues YOU NEED to empower her to build her confidence, integrity and resilience for all of life\\u2019s adventures.

The Figure it Out Formula

The secret in the secret formula is this \\u2013 it takes you right to the heart of the matter.\\xa0

And getting to the heart of the matter will help keep your daughter out of the weeds.

The Figure it Out Formula goes like this \\u2026 turn your left palm over so it\\u2019s facing upwards.

Find the 5 Steps to the complete show notes, including The Figure it Out Formula on my website, https://cultivatingresilientteens.com/podcast/

Podcast Resources:

Ep \\u2013 27 3 Insights Every Teenage Girl Needs to Ace Tricky Social Situations

Ep \\u2013 28 How to Break Free from Thinking Errors that Wreck Your Daughter\\u2019s Confidence

Ep 29 - A Bite-Sized Solution to Protect your Daughter\\u2019s Most Important Asset

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
