Ep - 32 The Power of Having a Plan

Published: May 12, 2021, 4 p.m.


Hey Parents,

Does your teenage daughter have a plan to stay confident and mentally clear when she\\u2019s emotionally triggered?

After making a very long list on a giant piece of paper, the teenage girls in my social media group just sat back with that deer-in-headlights look.

I think they were more stunned than I was at the list they\\u2019d created.

The task was to identify all the all the \\u201cparts\\u201d of social media they deal with on a daily basis.

What confuses them.

What makes them feel bad.

And, what\\u2019s fun, too.

We definitely didn\\u2019t want to forget about the fun stuff, because being able to instantly connect with your friends can be great.

And seeing each other on the map is pretty cool, too.\\xa0

Well, except when it\\u2019s not.

Welcome back to the Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast.

Having a Plan

Where today we\\u2019re going to offer your daughter a 3 Step Road Map to navigate the ups and downs of her media relationships so she can keep a strong sense of self and continue to design healthy social scenarios.

Because as parents, you know, it\\u2019s a rough ride for everyone when your daughter:

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0discovers her tribe has assembled without her\\xa0

\\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0or someone she\\u2019s reached out to is active but not responding

We obviously didn\\u2019t have these devices when you and I were teens.

Though, that deep gut punching feeling you get when you\\u2019ve been betrayed by someone in your tribe hasn\\u2019t changed.

And having the ability to manage all those big emotions doesn\\u2019t just magically happen.

So, let\\u2019s give your daughter a step-by-step plan so she can interact on her social platforms while maintaining a strong sense of self and designing healthy social scenarios.

Please take the time to share the\\xa03 Step Road Map with your daughter, you'll be glad you did.

Find the 3 Steps and the full Show Notes on my website, cultivatingresilientteens.com

Podcast Resources:

Episode #16 Does Your Teenage Daughter Need a Strong Sense of Self to be Successful in Life?

Episode #18 2 Key Elements Your Daughter Needs to Design Healthy Social Scenarios

Quote from Oprah \\u201cYou get in life what you have the courage to ask for.\\u201d

90 Days to a More Resilient Teen Coaching Program

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
