Ep 27 3 Insights Every Teenage Girls Needs to Ace Tricky Social Situations

Published: April 6, 2021, 9 p.m.


Hey Parents,

Does your teenage daughter feel like she has to choose between being liked or being respected?

Welcome back to the Cultivating Resilient Teens Podcast where we\\u2019re going to offer a \\u201cShort, Sweet and Spot On\\u201d episode, as listener Me and Xoxo, shared in a recent iTunes podcast review.

Thank you, Me and Xoxo, for taking the time to share your thoughts and for being part of the Cultivating Resilient Teens community!

Okay, let\\u2019s get to it, because I want to clear up the myth that your daughter has to choose between being liked or respected.

One of my clients shared that a \\u2018Who are You?\\u2019 style check list has been going around social media.

The list had multiple boxes where you check off things you\\u2019ve done or that apply to you personally.

And although it didn\\u2019t seem like that big of a deal at first, my client not only felt like she was pigeon-holing herself into a misconstrued persona, but there was a whole lot of judgment coming out of this seemingly harmless activity.

My client understood that she had the choice to participate or pass, but she said the social pressure felt really intense.\\xa0

And one of her friends teased her by saying \\u2026 \\u201cJust fill it out, I mean, what do you have to hide?

Ah, I\\u2019m here to tell you, these tricky social situations aren\\u2019t easy to navigate for teenage girls.

What You Can Do Instead

As we talked about in last week\\u2019s podcast Ep \\u2013 26 How to Support Your Daughter When Her Friendships Are Falling Apart

Your daughter\\u2019s style of communication matters:

  • \\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0how she talks to and about herself\\xa0
  • \\xb7\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0and how she talks to and about her friends

And, if your daughter\\u2019s put in a situation where she feels pressured to share personal information that that seems intrusive and downright uncomfortable, we want to equip her with the tools that\\u2019ll help her stay confident, in her integrity, and strengthen her resilience.

3 Insights to Ace Tricky Social Situations

In order to prevent or de-escalate the drama that comes from tricky social situations, we\\u2019re going to share 3 Insights that will help your daughter tap into her personal power.

Because even though the \\u201cWhat do you have to hide?\\u201d situation seemed playful, my client didn\\u2019t want to pigeonhole herself into a certain persona or share information she considered personal.

  1. \\xa0Feeling liked and respected is an inside job.
  2. \\xa0Learning to say what you mean and mean what you say in a clear, respectful and assertive manner will keep your daughter out of unnecessary drama.
  3. Who your daughter wants to be, desires to become, and what she wants to share with the world is her choice, period.\\xa0

Yes, learning how to design healthy social scenarios is perhaps one of the most important rites-of-passage your daughter will encounter over the next few years.

So, equipping her with effective navigation skills are worth her time and effort.\\xa0

Full Show Notes and Podcast Resources can be found at, https://cultivatingresilientteens.com/

Ep \\u2013 26 How to Support Your Daughter When Her Friendships Are Falling Apart
How to Raise a Socially Intelligent and Resilient Teenager 5 Simple Questions That Will Set Your Teenager Up for Success

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
