Ep 22 The Secret That Could End Your Daughters Teenage Angst Listener Q and A

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 8 a.m.


Hey Parents,

Have you heard?

Last week\\u2019s podcast Episode #21 "How to Stop Being Jealous and Teach Your Daughter to Create What She Really Wants with 3 Actionable Solutions" seems to have let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

It sparked a lot of honest and vulnerable conversations because, as parents you know that:

  • the painful emotions that come up around jealousy\\xa0
  • and the feelings of defeat that the comparison gremlins bring on

can be especially hard for teenage girls.

But the good news is, your daughter doesn't have to feel debilitated by these big emotions.

Today's podcast episode #22 will help your daughter see:

  • she's not alone
  • and give her what SHE needs\\xa0

to feel confident enough to take inspired action.

And, handle life's adversities and adventures with integrity.

None of us are immune to feeling big emotions - especially the ANGST that comes from jealousy and comparison.

That\\u2019s why we\\u2019re sharing the ANSWERS to the two key questions that came out of episode #21.

Q: \\u201cWhat do you mean when you say, don\\u2019t be afraid of your emotions?\\u201d

Q: \\u201cWhat can you do to stay calm the moment, when you feel super jealous?\\u201d

Your daughter deserves to have simple, doable actions that will move her from stuck to clear minded to motivated.

Watching your daughter bloom is one of the greatest gifts a parent gets to experience.

Let\\u2019s make sure your daughter has what she needs.

In this together,

Shawna :)

Did you miss Ep. 21? LISTEN IN: Ep -21 How to Stop Being Jealous and Teach Your Daughter to Create What She Really Wants with 3 Actionable Solutions

Podcast Resources:

Ep -21 How to Stop Being Jealous and Teach Your Daughter to Create What She Really Wants with 3 Actionable Solutions

90 Days to a More Resilient Teen

Episode #14 Your Top Question for 2020 Answered \\u201cHow Can I Help My Teenage Daughter Feel More Confident?\\u201d

Discover: Is Your Teen Daughter Resilient Enough for All of Life\\u2019s Adventures?

Here's to cultivating a more resilient teen for all of life's adventures!
