The Meat of Craig (Craig's Meat)

Published: Jan. 30, 2021, 7:26 a.m.

Keeley is back this week with a NEW NEW guest host, Jesse! We chat about our favorite teenaged tornado, Craig Manning, and discuss how a boy goes from photography to rock 'n roll, how a boy can get away with sneaking outside of a childcare facility and taking pictures, and how a boy's huge p*nis indirectly killed JT Yorke! 

POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING CONTENT IN THIS EPISODE: mentions of suicide, domestic abuse, drug abuse, mental illness 

follow Keeley at: @omgitskee on Instagram and Tiktok  follow Jesse at: @jessereag on Instagram and @jessereags on Twitter  follow the podcast at: @cuckoobananaspodcast on Instagram  email us at:  music:  cover art by: Jaime Lee (@nosoyhere on Instagram)