The QA Process with Lewis Francis

Published: Aug. 11, 2016, 4:59 p.m.

b'Quality Assurance isn\\u2019t just testing. QA is a process that spans the lifecyle of a project. Lewis Francis, Director of Quality Assurance at Threespot, joins the show with a primer on QA for websites and apps. He talks about the difference between quality assurance and quality control, and explains where QA should fit into the project cycle. Lewis details how budget can dictate the scope of QA, but also the elements that are important for any QA process. And he shares a bunch of great tools and resources, from automated full-site validation to front-end testing to issue tracking.\\n < Download MP3 >      < Listen on >\\n \\n Show Notes:\\n \\tQuality control\\tQuality assurance\\\\tWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)\\tSortSite\\tContrast Ratio\\tXenu Link Sleuth\\tContent Analysis Tool\\tBrowserStack\\tGitHub Issues\\tTrac\\tLICEcap\\tSnapz Pro X\\t\\tLeave us a review on iTunes\\tReview our show on Stitcher\\t\\t\\n \\n \\n \\n Sponsored By'