Securing Site Content with Rachel Andrew

Published: Oct. 20, 2016, 4:59 p.m.

b'Ever needed to build a login-protected \\u201cmember portal\\u201d? Or support subscriptions for digital downloads? Then you\\u2019ve secured site site content. But have you covered all the bases? Rachel Andrew joins the show to explain the what, why and how of secure sites. We each share real-world client examples, particularly in context with content management systems. Rachel specifically details how Perch CMS supports secure content, including using a paywall with Perch Shop. She also explains the core server requirements for secure content and details how HTTPS may soon be the default for all sites. She wraps up with an intro to HTTP/2 and how HTTPS goes hand-in hand with this new performance-focused protocol.\\n < Download MP3 >      < Listen on >\\n \\n Show Notes:\\n \\tPerch CMS\\tHTTPS\\tTLS (Transport Layer Security)\\tWhat is an SSL certificate?\\tHTTPS Everywhere with Ngnix, Varnish and Apache\\tMoving towards a more secure web\\tChromium: Deprecating Powerful Features on Insecure Origins\\tDevot-ee: Link Vault\\tPerch Podcast: Episode 54 Paranoid Security Mode\\tSelling Content Behind a Paywall Using Perch\\tPerch Members\\tPerch Shop\\tCartThrob\\tExpresso Store\\tDevot-ee: User\\tDevote-ee: Force SSL\\tGetting Ready for HTTP/2\\tRebuilding the Perch UI - not your usual redesign\\tOnmiFocus\\t\\tLeave us a review on iTunes\\tReview our show on Stitcher\\n \\n \\n \\n Sponsored By'