Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 94 - Winter's Veil is Here Again

Published: Dec. 22, 2008, 12:31 a.m.

b'Aprillian, Ashayo and Glanthur discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard\\u2019s great MMORPG. What We\'ve Been Doing:\\n\\nAprillian\\n\\nHad 2 sex changes - Theardrion became Epril and Rifire became Auruk\\n\\nBrought Death Knights to Nagrand and did some other fp\'s in Outland with Aprillian\\n\\nDK can kill mobs 4 or 5 levels above them.\\n\\nDecided I wanted to do some instances with my DK\'s, tried Hellfire Citadel, doable but lots of time is needed and concentration.\\xa0 Then I tried upper and lower Black Rock and then Strolohome in EP.\\xa0 It was fun, but then I went back to Nagrand with Aprillian and Auruku\\n\\nGot Ding Recorder Addon and Epril dinged 63 but it didn\'t show the interface so all you see is her in a could of ding dust.\\xa0 Read the info and found out how to turn on "show interface"\\n\\nGot my Figure Print of Aprillian:\\n\\n[IMG]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll317/AprillianAIE/AprillianFP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll317/AprillianAIE/AIETabard.jpg[/IMG]\\n\\nBought a Sun Scope +40 Haste for Auruku and found out he couldn\'t equip it, needed a level 70 or above.\\xa0 Been carrying the crossbow from Nessingwary in Nagrand.\\xa0 Shoutout to Mollyshot for putting the scope on for me.\\n\\nGot TheJasper up to 275 in Enchanting and now can de Outland Greens\\n\\nGlanthur\\n\\nFinally got to exalted with Kalu\'ak. \\xa0I love the penguin! \\xa0Now I need to farm fishing. \\xa0I also got ALL of my weapon skills to 400 that I had - including unarmed. \\xa0I got the "Knuckle Sandwich" achievement. \\xa0Also got "Ultimate Triage" which was unexpected and cool.\\nDisappointed about lack of dailies for Argent Crusade. \\xa0I want the gun, but it\'ll be forever until I get enough rep through the dailies to get it.\\nShould be exalted with The Oracles within 12 days. \\xa0I have a Mysterious Egg that I\'m hoping will hatch into a Green Proto-Drake. \\xa0I doubt that it will.\\nRespeced my Unholy Death Knight, Herid, to Blood and my Frost Mage, Palanor, to Arcane.\\nWorking on getting my pet bear, Dov, to 80 on Glanthur.\\nGot all confused with my DK in Hellfire. \\xa0I kept wanting to ride into Honor Hold - but they don\'t like Horde very much there. \\xa0Old habits die hard.\\nAlso, will be getting a better microphone after Christmas with expected Christmas cash. \\xa0I\'m having an inferiority complex compared to Ashayo and Aprillian\'s sound quality.\\nI was affected by the Comcast/Verizon issue. \\xa0It was so frustrating! \\xa0I hope that they figure out what the cause was. \\xa0Yeah, Comcast. \\xa0.\\n\\nAshayo\\n\\nRan Violet Hold on both Asheal (as healer) and Ashayo (as dps) Ran Oculus on Ashayo - lots of fun doing the last boss while flying!\\n\\nAshayo dinged 80 in Sholazar Basin (shortly after getting the Nessingwary achievements)\\n\\nLevelling Mining to 450 on two miners for titansteel cooldown. Fairly easy in Sholazar Basin.\\n\\nDeath Knights questing in Outlands - ran Ramparts & Blood Furnace\\n\\nLevelling Jewelcrafting - tough around 410-420\\n\\nLevelling Alchemy - research once a week - nice trinket for level 75 - tough at 420 - green to 425, then can transmute earthsiege diamond (no cooldown!)\\n\\nLevelling Inscription - learnt epic offhand at 400, but can\'t use till 425 :(\\n\\nAshayo just waiting on Crashin\' Thrashin\' Racer to complete Winter\'s Veil achievements\\n\\nWinter\'s Veil questing is resulting in some nice presents in the mail! - tailor green suit - enchanting frost weapon - lw gloves - green holiday shirt - elixir of frost power\\n\\nEmails:\\n\\nEmail 1 - From Blade Hey April!\\n\\nFeel free to edit as necessary... I did this one a bit \'on the fly\' and grabbed a bunch of screenshots. Let me know when it\'s \'too much\'... lol\\n\\nMichael\\n\\nHey guys... Blade here...\\n\\nCongrats to all the winners of the contest (and kudos to those who contributed)... it\'s always interesting to see the variance in lifestyles of Warcraft players... Now... Ol\' Blade\'s been doing some looking around... and has decided - for all you folks that have found your way to Dalaran and are less than impre'