Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 78 - Saving Frequently

Published: Sept. 1, 2008, 4 a.m.

b"Aprillian and Ashayo discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG.\\n\\nEpisode 78 - Saving Frequently\\n\\nWhat We've Been Doing\\n\\nAprillian\\n\\nCrazy whacky mayhem trading off alts in Scarlet Monastery just to get to the dog keeper and get a blue drop. First Aprillian with Suyna, easy at level 64 she and her Felhunter take charge. Swapped out Iwari so Primall, on Aprillian account, could join and get the RAF bonus. Iwari couldn't hold aggro. Brought in Treshel, was a little better but even she died.\\n\\nNote: Even if you don't click the accept button on the RAF summon, the timer resets.\\n\\nOn Wed, I took a bunch Suyna 22, Primal 22, Ishaq 20 and Lucerferus 12 into SFK. I'm loving the Priest. I'm loving grouping with me.\\n\\nChanged some profession, made Primall an enchanter, made Ishaq a miner/engineer Then went back to Camp T area with Primall/Suyna and Ishaq, decided to make 30 my goal for the weekend.\\n\\nSpending crazy time getting mats together to level tailioring and lw w/ suyna and Primall. I know I have spidersilk on someone. Where are those irridescent pearls? Getting enchanting up by de'ing everything from her and Suyna\\n\\nRan into the Outriders in the Barrens, totally forgot about them.\\n\\nDiscovered a big problem when triple boxing with RAF, 3rd toon lags behind. Ishaq is 21 and Primall and Suyna is about to ding 26. So I started another priest on Primall's account and gifted her 9 levels from Suyna. that was really sweet. Realized maybe I'd been wasting time levelling skills at this juncture and should just level them.\\n\\nHeaded to Ashenvale Saturday night with Primall and Suyna, dual boxing on the MBA. Ran back to get dye from Camp T and noticed a lot of people running around, could this be a side effect of the RAF? Hmmm\\n\\nFortunately Primall's pets are levelling with her.\\n\\nSunday morning back in Ashenvale. Brought in Veyle on the 3rd account, mainly because she's in the AIE Guild. Ended up in 1000 Needles it was like being home but all new again. Accidentally bumped into the Test of Strength guy\\n\\nAshayo - Extended Maintenance again ... Boo! - Gruuls on Asheal and Jekle this week. Both one-shot. - Levelling mage in Tanaris/Feralas/Hinterlands - Ding 50 - Ashayo fails at SSC - Leotheras the Blind at 1% - Tanked RFC on Warrior - need to get used to stances - Halaa PvP - good when a plan comes together - Ashayo catches Mr. Pinchey!!\\n\\nInterview with Tzolekk (shadermn)\\n\\nEmail No. 1\\nHey guys,\\n\\xa0\\nMy apologies for not being overly clear last email...\\nNo, I don't use my feet to play WoW (lol)... I was, however, at work most of the day before my injury, then proceeded to break the bone on the side of my foot (the 5th metatarsal) as well as incurring muscle damage and ligament sprain... and then was at the hospital (and away from my computer) for the remainder of the day.\\nAll is now well, though, and the authenticator seems to work just fine!\\nBut hey! A silver lining has come from all of this \\u2013 I have a great deal more 'home time'... my kittens love it that 'daddy' is home more and I have gotten a great deal more accomplished in WoW.\\n\\xa0\\nHey Aprillian and Ashayo!\\nFirst, please allow me to apologize to the fair Aprillian for seemingly excluding her from my last email and the possibility of catching Mr. Pinchy... t'was not my intent.\\nWe're all cheering you on, dear Aprillian, in your quest to get to 70... and we'll erupt in a cheer and song and much revelry when you ding... BEFORE the Wrath of the Lich King.\\nRight?\\nPlus... in all fairness, Ashayo specifically asked for the Mr. Pinchy details... and ol' Blade delivers...\\nSpeaking of delivery... I wasn't overly clear on a point I made last episode. When you use the last wish (that's wish #3) of Mr. Pinchy, he disappears. That's it. That's all. You'll have to catch him again if you want three more wishes.\\nThat said, it IS possible (if you're terribly lucky) to have more than one Mr. Pinchy in your inventory at any given ti"