Daniel Woodroof from Bitcar on Crypto Clothesline

Published: April 11, 2018, 4 a.m.

You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Fast Car - Tracy Chapman SO this week we have a racing car driver/ TV show host/ executive at BitCar and surely the youngest person (to date) to appear on Crypto Clothesline. Yay Millennials: a rocking generation: Daniel Woodroof lives life to the max! KL born and bred (to a Malaysian mum and English dad) Daniel is both witty and very very smart. He explains the intricacies of BitCar and how buying Bitcar coins doesn’t get you part ownership of a physical exotic car (like the proverbial ‘Lambo’) but DOES get you factional ownership into an accelerating asset class ('scuse the pun). As his TV series says: “Go Fast Or Go Home” Find out more: BitCar: http://www.bitcar.io Telegram: https://t.me/bitcar_io Daniel Woodroof: http://www.danielwoodroof.com/ TV Series: http://www.goasean.com/original-series/go-fast-or-go-home/