EP 31: Exposomes Explained with Dr. Minni Malhotra

Published: Oct. 7, 2020, 7 a.m.

In this episode, Dr. Minni Malhotra tackles the topic of exposomes, explaining what they are and how they impact PCOS and a person’s health in general. But before Dr. Malhotra gets started, she shares a bit about what she and her team offer patients at the Anchor Wellness Center and how their functional medicine approach deals with health problems holistically. While conventional medicine still plays an important role in health care, conventional practitioners often neglect to ask important questions, dealing with the symptoms rather than the root causes of problems. Dr. Malhotra shares numerous examples of questions that healthcare providers should be asking their patients if they are to provide the best care, including those about in utero exposures. To learn more about the factors that may be affecting your health and PCOS in ways you never imagined, be sure to tune in for another educational episode! 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Learn how Anchor Wellness Center and Dr. Minni Malhotra can help you. 
  • The uses and limitations of conventional medicine and the role of functional medicine. 
  •  A word of encouragement about your ability to transform your health. 
  • Hear what an exposome is and how it impacts your PCOS and other health conditions. 
  • The three domains of exposomes: Internal, specific external, and general external. 
  • The importance for physicians to know their patient holistically. 
  • Understanding the various factors that impact a patient, even from their time in the womb.
  • Hear about the LivingMatrix form and how it facilitates treatment in functional medicine. 
  • Examples of the kinds of questions that may be asked to make an accurate diagnosis. 


“At Anchor Wellness Center, we work with patients all over the country and even outside the country with this unique method of combining conventional medicine, functional medicine, and mind mastery to heal and give people the power to take control of their health.” — Dr. Minni Malhotra [0:02:27]

“After going through this detailed history, which we do in our functional medicine approach, it is so easy to pinpoint and find out what the patient actually requires and that makes it customized, personalized to that individual.” — Dr. Minni Malhotra [0:13:21]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


The Institute for Functional Medicine

Anchor Wellness Center

Dr. Minni Malhotra Email