EP 21: The Connection Between the Anti-Müllerian Hormone and Infertility

Published: July 29, 2020, 7 a.m.

In this episode, Dr. Minni Malhotra explains why elevated anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels cause infertility, getting into the biochemical processes that make pregnancy unlikely. AMH not only causes insulin resistance but it also prevents ovulation, which is why PCOS patients with high AMH often struggle with anovulation or oligoovulation. In traditional medicine, women with elevated AMH have been treated somewhat successfully with higher doses of medication, but if you are interested in a more natural alternative, Dr. Minni shares the seven-pillar approach of functional medicine that addresses the problem more holistically. Because, as we know, it is not only about what happens in your body – it has a lot to with your lifestyle and mental health as well. Tune in to learn more!  

Key Points From This Episode:

  • How high levels of anti-müllerian hormone causes insulin resistance and prevents ovulation. 
  • Learn more about AMH and where it comes from. 
  • AMH can also be used to predict the likely outcome of assisted reproduction.  
  • Why a high volume of follicles in the ovaries can be problematic for ovulation. 
  • How high levels of AMH impact on the aromatase activity in the cells of the ovary. 
  • Women with higher AMH levels require higher doses of medication to ovulate. 
  • An overview of the seven-pillar functional medicine approach to lowering AMH. 
  • Hear about the process of detoxification and hormone balancing. 
  • Suggestions for lowering your stress, synchronizing your body, and healing your PCOS.  


“When you have high anti-müllerian hormone levels, it reduces aromatase activity, so it causes insulin resistance and it also reduces the sensitivity of the follicles to FSH, which is very important for those follicles to develop into an ovum and have ovulation.” — Dr. Minni Malhotra [0:01:12]

“When you have a large number of follicles and the follicle is in excess of what is normal and they increase this AMH or anti-müllerian hormone, and this in turn actually prevents ovulation in many ways.” — Dr. Minni Malhotra [0:04:23]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Minni Malhotra on LinkedIn

Dr. Minni Malhotra Email  

Anchor Wellness Center