EP 1: Changing the Game by Changing Your Diet with Dr. Minni Malhotra and Stacey

Published: March 11, 2020, 7 a.m.

Today on the show, Dr. Minni Malhotra interviews a patient to share her experience of the symptoms and treatment of PCOS. After ten years of fierce exercise, extreme diets and constant fatigue, Stacey decided to seek the help of Dr. Malhotra and her team at Anchor Wellness Center. During the decade of trying to combat the symptoms, doctors and other healthcare providers offered the traditional solutions to PCOS management, including lotions, massages, and chiropractic treatments — none of which made any difference to Stacey’s health and wellness. She consulted a dietician who also prescribed a routine PCOS eating plan, and even following a disruption in her menstrual cycle, doctors still failed to diagnose her symptoms correctly. When she finally arrived at Dr. Malhotra’s office, she was in for a major shock: She learned that she was suffering not only from PCOS but also from two other autoimmune diseases. After radically changing her diet and eliminating the foods that caused inflammation, Stacey got her life back. Join us for this episode to hear more about Stacey’s road to recovery! 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A case study of PCOS: The symptoms and how long the patient experienced them. 
  • How doctors never previously discussed or diagnosed her hormonal imbalance. 
  • Being advised to alleviate the symptoms of PCOS with topical treatments. 
  • Stacey’s journey of frequent workouts, following extreme diets, and discovering its limitations. 
  • Getting different opinions from people and their many incorrect assumptions and diagnoses.
  • Learning that she had celiac disease and Hashimoto’s despite not having all the symptoms. 
  • How her life was changed when she eliminated the foods that were causing the inflammation. 
  • The frustrating knowledge that for so long, her “healthy” diet was toxic to her body. 
  • Keeping in mind that a delayed diagnosis leads to delayed treatment. 
  • The disturbing reality that doctors failed test Stacey for PCOS after reporting a change in her menstrual cycle.
  • Improved sleep, better moods, and reduced body soreness since changing her diet.  
  • How renewed mental clarity has energized her and improved her ability to work. 
  • Advice for other women who are going through a similar experience. 


“I did lose a lot of weight as you can imagine but I was extremely tired all the time. I just found that I couldn’t find anything that was sustainable and it really wasn’t changing any of my symptoms.” — Stacey [0:03:23]

“That was very surprising to me to find out that I had celiac disease. We also found out that I had Hashimoto’s and some of the other things and definitely a hormonal imbalance, that was a huge game-changer for me.” — Stacey  [0:06:20]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Minni Malhotra on LinkedIn

Dr. Minni Malhotra Email

Anchor Wellness Center

Orangetheory Fitness