Building a Marriage That Survives Life’s Storms // Going Deeper (Episode 2)

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, 8:59 p.m.

2020 has been a very tough year on marriages. Rhythms have changed, finances have been tight and stress has been high. Unfortunately, through all of this, we've seen many marriages crumble under the storms of life.But God never promised that we wouldn't have storms. In fact, Jesus himself said, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.." (John 16:33). So if we know that storms will come, we have to build a marriage that can survive the storms of life.For this episode of our "Going Deeper" series, we sat down with Pastor Bud Plake, Care Pastor at Crossroads Church. Pastor Bud and his team handle all of the counseling, hospital visits, funerals, and any other care our community needs. He has been in numerous counseling sessions with married couples and has discovered the Three Foundational Components of Marriage, and we want to share those with you in this episode!