Season 20 Ep 15: Dumpster Golf, Penny Drop, Fancy Hood

Published: May 12, 2008, 1:54 p.m.

Croncast - 2008-05-12.mp3 Show: #490 Length: 19.6 Size: 28:32 mb Format: mp3 Show us some love and leave us a review at iTunes Special note: Betsy and Jeanie are having a meetup in San Francisco May 21, 2008 at House of Shields 39 New Montgomery St., Time: 6:30 p.m., stop and have a drink or two! Betsy likes the amens to her sermons Now they can tell me to mow my lawn We are way more boring than the show The picture in her head of you was repulsive Good thing she didn't see a real picture I despise this time of year the most Why? The grass grows I hate the mowing Pulling back that shade for bits of sunlights I am the Boo Radley of the neighborhood I have been honing my skills without you Something new to the Resale Queen toolbox Not the Billy Squire stroke A body bag full of bubble wrap A body bag? I tried to do a Penny Drop That was for those of you that too kindergarten gymnastics Tetanus shot for junking license I had to have the bubble wrap So I went to Goodwill Fast like a bunny I bought a Titleist Golf club We playing gold today mommy? Yes, Maggie, dumpster golf Your Titleist for dumpster diving Your like a gorilla in the mist Your people were the strain that hung on the jungle floor Mine were smarter and more motivated Now, I bring home the bananas It's all about who brings home the bacon I am forever grateful that you make enough for me to dig in a dumpster We found your wife, sir. Behind what store? It could be worse, I could be a scrap booker It is a services I'm not going to mess with these women They are serious Treating things better Betsy flattens a tire on my car I'm driving slow on your rim You were right next to the car dealership Why didn't you just go there? You used to recruit truck drivers, you talk to him Sorry to be so vaginal I just gave up Why is he trying to change the tire? Does he know how to change a tire? Yeah, that's a lot of money for a fancy hood They say that to a lot of women who get labia surgery too