Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 143

Published: Nov. 2, 2005, 7:05 a.m.

Croncast - 2005-11-01.mp3 Show: #184 Length: 37:48 Size: 25.9 mb Format: mp3 Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 143 Show Notes ------------------------------------------ Betsy's eBay listings link TheSmithMall ------------------------------------------ Show intro Betsy sings (this is what happens before every show begins) I am Betsy's bitch I make her air pop popcorn Betsy has scaley feet Betsy wants a pedicure Putting up a picture of Kris' feet would get us thousands of hits They would all be men pleasuring themselves until they find out that they are attached to a man with a beard Betsy is ready to pimp me out instead of podcast Creeped out spending the dough, dirty stripper money Kris is still eating the same value meal Men are too fat when they can no longer see penis in shower Betsy is watching Oprah again, "Launch your own comeback" Not wearing makeup Princess Betsy with lipstick Bird with plumage Sexy male birds Stuffing myself with food to not see penis to keep temptations at bay Penn and Teller Betsy's reality shows are now overlapping Ulga's, Pink Cheeks, hair removal The Girls Next Door, the Playboy show terrible name The girls went to get waxes Adult inside jokes in G and PG movies Robots, "I get the Brazilian because it makes me feel like it is a fiesta everyday." What happens when 6 year Ginny says that to her teacher? PBS whoring out it's cartoon characters for cash Euphemisms for bodily functions Kris grew up next to the Montezumas Kris gets the Hamburger Helper Star of the day Keys, Cell Phone, Jumpdrive in the left pocket Wallet, money, change in the right pocket What you don't know about people you marry until they reveal things many years later Kris won't call for pizza I do it for organization Betsy is going to buy me a girdle so I can see junk again Having an attack Don't rock my pocket world Divorce of the pockets Betsy's cough for lingers from the sore throat I'll eat it, but food with hair from the animal that it belongs to are way too gross Eating a chicken wing and flossing at the same time I try to Betsy kudos for her meal cooking and somehow it goes back to me throwing a man fit of somekind Buying a can of Ragu from Walgreens Reasons housewifedom have come to suit Betsy Cleaning a house with two screaming kids Short shout outs for the night, Betsy will get crafty with them for Friday Croncast has the best listeners Betsy can't tell me about the poverty book anymore Female donations ">