Betsy and her husband Kris Sep 27, 2006

Published: Sept. 27, 2006, 5:42 a.m.

Croncast - 2006-09-27.mp3 Show: #279 Length: 19:07 Size: 13.1 mb Format: mp3 Betsy and her husband Kris September 27, 2006 Short show notes and show . . . I'm on the raod and the car comes to pick me up at 4 a.m. or did in this case. Betsy goes on about the Tickle Me Elmo TMX and I spend tie poking at the judicial system and the folks that get states jobs.Don't forget to check out Betsy in text at her blog Resale Queen. 1) Fill out the appropriate form for you - *New* Listener or Get a Handle (current listener) 2) Verify your email address (Activates and qualifies those with a "Handle") 3) *New* listeners get activated and qualified by using their special RSS feed 4) 300th new listener and the person whose Handle they use win iPods AND 5) A drawing for 2 more iPods from everyone who entered!