Betsy and her husband Kris Sep 06, 2006

Published: Sept. 6, 2006, 6:39 a.m.

Croncast - 2006-09-06.mp3 Show: #271 Length: 37:06 Size: 25.4 mb Format: mp3 Betsy and her husband Kris September 6, 2006 The second show of the night . . . forgot to hit record We've had a rough couple of days You know crazy shit happens to us When people tell you that you need to call your senator you have had a bad ass Want to know what our lives are like . . . listen to this show It all begins by working on labor day for Kris Getting good for the family I got into an arguement with chick at KFC I should have went home Karma has it out for me, it skewers me Don's say stuff like that I'm a Unitarian Nobody drives everyone walks The area is heavily police patrolled The family on bikes is spotted from far away Here comes the forest preserve cop They are half-way in between real cop and mall cop The woman waves at me to say thanks for letting us through the crosswalk Where did these cops come from? I'm minding the speed limit Two police cars driving really fast Well, I am starting to think it has something to do with me . . . I came to a complete stop, the real stop at a stop sign About 1 mile from home I get pulled over 3 cop cars with lights sitting behind me Windows down and moon roof open I hear the forest preserve cop start yapping (lying) "He almost hit a family in a cross-walk" Are there any problems with your driver's license Mr. Smith No Seems that your license has been suspended I start thinking of Betsy immediately I can arrest you here or arrest you at home? Those are some sweet options The forest preserve officer is asked, "Why didn't you radio this in?" "I wanted to keep this off the radio", he replies Why would it not need to be on the radio????? Then he is treated like the mall cop that he is and leaves Arrest me here or at home? I have to yell out the window and ask him if I'm going to be arrested to do it here and not at my house So let me tell you about the solid that the officer did for me THANK YOU OFFICER WHO'S NAME I DON"T KNOW I was saved by a bucket of chicken!!!!!!! Now we get Betsy's side of the story The bottom line is both our licenses are suspended and we can't drive Thanks for the ride to work this morning Henry We talk about NCN Podcast . . . thanks for the plug Jason! Check him out. Betsy's eBay Barbie Locker thingy from the 50's or 60's Wrap it up 1) Fill out the appropriate form for you - *New* Listener or Get a Handle (current listener) 2) Verify your email address (Activates and qualifies those with a "Handle") 3) *New* listeners get activated and qualified by using their special RSS feed 4) 300th new listener and the person whose Handle they use win iPods AND 5) A drawing for 2 more iPods from everyone who entered!