Betsy and her husband Kris May 31, 2006

Published: May 31, 2006, 6:26 a.m.

Croncast - 2006-05-31.mp3 Show: #233 Length: 37:33 Size: 25.8 mb Format: mp3 Betsy and her husband Kris May 31, 2006 Betsy is an elitist with Slowsky in her stable Apology for short show on Monday Apology for botching the show on Monday Our "Best of" show downloads by default It really is duct tape of the nerd world "I love this car. "I love this car." Slowsky, groceries + Goodwill + entire family, no problem Hiring former Star Trek employees to run Slowsky extras Driving Slowsky on vaction, pay the price 87,000 miles for us is like brand new We're responsible adult car owners or trying Driving out of state Taking Slowsky to dealer instead of Mr. Fixit Slowsky was dripping CLEAN red fluid . . . bad sign Pretty sure that the cat who sold it had to know . . . fluid was that clean "I still don't feel taken . . . yet," Betsy. Kris won't complain yet about Slowky and the broken stuff, yet. We're adults with a high credit card limit screw us Fixes: serpentine belt, loose o-ring, brakes and air conditioning Making it safe for the kids Don't hit the elk The smashed mommy duck Kris ran over squirrel later that day There are dead animal days Betsy is totally wiped out Kris needs driving school to stop lead foot Vacation prep Elliot's test result meeting for his learning abilities He's a regular potato like all kids! They were questioning for a half hour "Is it the epiliepsy or is it his choice." We question it everyday Knowing who the other illiness issue parents right away He talks non-stop due to our conditioning to check for seizures Hearing it for not buying Elliot a bike yet Kris gets all Dr. Phil on Betsy Know your subdivision, if you don't know locate it next to the fancy schmancy The subdivision posse and the trials of Betsy trying to join up Crickets when she speaks to them The Radio Shopping Show Betsy needs to clean the garage Slowsky can sleep at the curb