Betsy and her husband Kris Jul 28, 2006

Published: July 28, 2006, 6:33 a.m.

Croncast - 2006-07-28.mp3 Show: #255 Length: 30:17 Size: 20.8 mb Format: mp3 Betsy and her husband Kris July 28, 2006 Kris is a bit persnickety tonight Click the fifth tab for the real mailing address, 800 number and the email form Send all email to Nobody gets it Lots of Smiths in this world So why did you take my last name anyway? Normally I get along well with hardcore feminist chics She made fun of me in class The old sees the me me know there would be some problems Keeping it real Stoner in the basement that would have been managing the apartment building Passing stuff up through the well The Kris's social issues Kris goes off into the world and then come trotting back with the stories The problem is on my end, I know it Hi, I'm Kris opening There server cut loose with wind I point out that the "smell" wasn't me Bad move Petit women never talk to me I think they are worried that I may fall on them and crush them like a bug I'm married to you and you're not fine TechCocktail1 was much more suitable for a bear Betsy's dead racoon story Racoon committed suicide Muffin will meet her end this weekend Explaining to the kids about the dog's imminent death Tell him that when she dies he can have her cash card Jauguar XK talk and emails I only test drove the car . . . but yes I am in love People don't think I follow through, they have never met my wife The baby photos that never should see the light of day Controlling the little sisters life