What no one talks about in the fitness industry (my exercise "manifesto")

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 4:44 p.m.


Ever wonder why certain things just come easy for certain people? Why is it so easy for person A to attract wealth and wealth making opportunities? How come people just gravitate towards person B? Why is it that person C can firmly and gracefully establish her boundaries and have people honor them? This doesn\'t mean they don\'t work hard. However, there\'s an effortlessness and almost serendipitous quality to how it just happens. They are definitely not "trying".

Is it because of their looks? Is it because they didn\'t have the childhood you had? Is it because they have good genetics? In this episode, I explore what\'s at play using exercise as the primary example.

The goal is for you to become aware of blindspots. A blindspot is something that is "there" that you are not aware of. As soon as you become aware of it, everything transforms automatically without the need for you to "effort".




