Episode 28. Be a Good Citizen: What Would Dwight Do

Published: Aug. 7, 2017, 7 a.m.

Episode 28. Be a Good Citizen: What Would Dwight Do

Here at The Kitschy Kountdown, we’re into helping you, listener, navigate the perils of this life. And that’s exactly what this episode is all about! In the spirit of Dwight Schrute, we give you the rundown on the exact ways in which you can best interact with others day in and day out. Whether it be traffic pointers or taking the elevator just one floor, we’ve got you covered. You’ll never commit a social faux pas again. Head on over to our website for a full list of our tips and tricks and make sure you’re following along with us on Instagram! Website: kitschykountdown.com | Instagram: kitschykountdown