Oculus vs Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg over and Financial Services Community Wants to Abandon You

Published: Jan. 19, 2017, 5 p.m.

Turns out the Facebook/Zuckerburg thirst for a Facebook hardware product may cost them $3 billion. Lack of Due Diligence, bad Employment Agreements and more may have made the perfect storm in this court case. So much so, the Zuck has come out of his extended hiding and flown to Texas for court.

The financial services industry has been co-operating with each other to help stop cyber-crime, but they're obviously getting tired of being sued. So, instead of beefing up their operations to lessen the odds of being sued it looks like they'd much rather just pass the responsibility onto the Feds -- who can't be sued when there's a hacker attack. Also, why the inevitable financial services attack would mean an increase in mortgage failures along with civil unrest.

All in all, a busy Craig Peterson Tech Sanity Check today.


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