Iran, Boeing, Keeping Safe and More on WTAG the Jim Polito Show

Published: July 2, 2019, 12:53 p.m.

Craig was on with Dan Ferrantino sitting in for Jim Polito. We talked in some detail about some of the things that are going on right now. Did you know that there are retaliatory strikes from Iran going on right now? Unfortunately, they are aiming them directly at your business? We went through some of the details of that what you can do. I gave some real-world examples and solution.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 07/02/2019

Iran, Russia, Boeing and Keeping Safe 

Craig Peterson
Good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Danny this morning because Jim is on vacation. We talked in some detail about some of the things that are going on right now. Did you know that there are retaliatory strikes from Iran going on right now? Unfortunately, they are aiming them directly at your business? We went through some of the details of that what you can do. I gave some real-world examples and solution. So here we go with Danny.

Danny Ferrantino
That music means it is Tuesday morning and our tech talk guru, Craig Peterson is joining us. Good morning, Craig.

Craig Peterson
Hey, good morning Danny. Good job,

Danny Ferrantino
I try and try and try. You're kind enough to send us the show notes early. Looking through the show notes. There seems to be kind of one correlation between all of the topics. Everyone's out to get me, buddy.

Craig Peterson
That's the bottom line. It isn't just the government coming after you for tax money. Now we're not only supporting the some of these people who are on welfare, maybe down on their luck, etc. We're also supporting people living in Eastern European countries, their entire families, extended families. There is one story from last year, or maybe it's two years ago now, this lady over there in Eastern Europe. She did what's called from doxxing. That begins with figuring out a little bit about some companies she found a guy who was at a Facebook page had a LinkedIn profile. She found out that he was the president of this company. You know, a midsize, a small, medium-sized company. After finding out more about the guy, she sent a link a LinkedIn to him, and a Facebook request friend request saying remember me back from school, you know, using the information she had she knew what school he went to because he posted it online. She did some more research on the business website. Of course on the business website, it says, here's the CEO. Here's the CFO here, all of my top guys and gals. She researches them, find out more information about them. She spent time watching the CEO and followed him for a while. She found out he was going on vacation to the Bahamas, not the D.R. Okay. So he will probably come back alive. She figured out okay, well, this is when he's going on vacation. By the way, criminals breaking entering now, robberies at homes home invasions are also using the same technique. They know when you're gone during the summer time because you post it on social media, and they use that all online information to figure out who you are? If you might have good assets, and then they break into your house while you're gone. Because you told them you're going away for a week.

Danny Ferrantino
Yep, I got it.

Craig Peterson
Yeah, exactly. In this case, the CEO is out on vacation, and he's pretty unreachable. She has found out what his email addresses, calls up, and gets his password reset. Yes, this takes a while to explain all of this. But it only takes about two-three days worth of work. She sends in an email off to the CFO saying posing as the CEO, "Hey, we got this new vendor, they're critical. We haven't paid them in three months". "If we don't send them the money right now, they're going to cut us off, or our manufacturing is going to shut down in the business. I need you to wire this money, Right now.

Danny Ferrantino
I see where this is going.

Craig Peterson
She got the CFO to wire $45 million out of the country. Now, the FBI is saying that, and the secret service as well, in the briefings I've had with them that it only takes 90 seconds for all that money to be unreachable almost guaranteed. It was in this case, as well. She's supporting not only herself the rest of her life, her family and her the extended family the rest of her life, and it is all because of what people are posting on social media. What we're doing with our devices.? So if you go to my company and mainstream dot net online, Danny, there is an Officer's page like everybody else has. Right? You've seen them here's our senior staff. So you go to that page. But ours is quite different, and it says due to security concerns, we're not telling you, sucker. That's what we need to start doing ourselves with our data with our businesses and our business data. Because they are out to get you, Danny,

Danny Ferrentino
Everyone thinks that you know, you want to be all-inclusive, and let everyone know and try to sell yourself online. More times than not that can come back to hurt you as you just discussed.

Craig Peterson
Yeah, look at how great we are. We have all these attorneys here from H-A-AR- VARD, you know, they have Native American blood and all these other things that you want to highlight. However, bragging about them, now, in this day and age can be dangerous. Even in press releases, we used to say a lot more than we say now because they are using it against us. I regularly see businesses, small businesses, here's another one where they had about $80,000 that was stolen right out of their operating account. Now, that's money that they need to stay in business. A group operating out of China took it, and it was, obviously, a big deal. The company spent 10s of thousands of dollars flying over to Hong Kong, trying to file police report trying to get their money back and they never did.

Craig Peterson
Now we've got this thing going on with President Trump and Iran. Of course, there was a whole thing in place, and we're going to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran. If you remember the early 80s, that little ditty. And he pulled it back. And what did he do instead? I don't know if you follow this. But he decided, here's what we're going to do. It wasn't reasonable. They shot down an unmanned drone, and it was not a reasonable response for us to drop bombs and maybe kill 150 people. Well, in what he did instead was he launched a cyber attack against Iran. It is all from what we can gather and public statements and everything. He began a cyber attack against the Iranian infrastructure that controls the missiles that launch the missiles. Also, do you remember this thing with Russia and the power plant? Where we flicked Russia's lights on and off a few times to let them know we were in their systems.

Danny Ferrentino
Hey just to let you know, we're here. Yeah.

Craig Peterson
Yeah, exactly. So now Iran has started attacking. They've increased their attacks now, primarily on our businesses, because they're trying to hurt our economy. They're using some special malicious software designed to wipe the contents of your computer. They're not going to bother holding it ransom. They want to put you out of business. It is straight from the Homeland Security Department. We have to be careful now. The Homeland Security is warning us that there's been a dramatic increase in Iranian hacking, and what are we doing, Danny? Our businesses are not protected. It's crazy. It's like 95% of our companies are easily penetrated. They have said that two-thirds of all companies in the SMB space will be compromised this year. That's what they're expecting. Two-thirds. And we're not doing enough about it, too.

Danny Ferrentino
We're talking with our tech talk Guru, Craig Peterson. Craig. Now, this isn't new with the hacking the cybersecurity. Why is it that people are just so far behind the eight-ball on something like this? People like you that are out here telling us we need to do something. Is it people don't care? Is that they don't believe it's going to happen to them?

Craig Peterson
Well, I, I talked to a lot of people, as you know, because I run these webinars for the FBI Infragard program. And I have a lot of clients, up pick up new clients every week, and help them out. And so here's what I hear the most right? It is confusing. It is overwhelming. They feel like they have no control over it, and there is nothing they can do. None of which is true, by the way. But at the same time, I also think that they have legitimate reasons to feel that way. You know, the software they bought, they bought Norton Antivirus and so they're all set. They purchased this Symantec software or whatever. Both companies, by the way, have had employees, high up like the CEO or Executive V.P., saying their software is useless today. I can't blame these companies for feeling that way. So I'm trying to help people I know there's a lot of businesses that can't afford to hire me. So, Danny, what I'm doing this summer for everybody that's on my email list, everyone who's on my text list is going to get an invite, I'm going to be doing a dozen 15-minute if you will give or take, webinars. It's my security summer. It's 100% free for anyone who wants to attend. We're going to go through the brass tacks of what you need to do, the basics, let's get back to the basics. Let's make sure you're securing your stuff, let's find out what the data you have, what your data assets are of your small business and medium business and what you need to protect them. I'm going to help people understand this. And, you know, I've got my fingers crossed, that we're going to help move that needle. I've helped a lot of businesses, over 5000 so far, move the needle. I am doing this for my listeners. As you were mentioning earlier today, 76% of mobile apps have flaws, that are allowing hackers to steal passwords, to get into bank accounts to find your texts and things. What this goes back to the unprofessional nature the people who are writing software. Did you see what came out about Boeing? Sorry, I am rambling a bit. On Boeing with their 737 Max 8, did you hear what came out yesterday? The software in the Boeing jet has that is having problems right now. It turns out some of that software had been written by software developers in India, who earned $9 an hour? You know, it's, how do you know how good that software is? Do they do proper code reviews? Do they have the senior people in place that understand the security implications, that understand all of the flight systems? You can't fix a problem with a computer if you don't understand all of the components involved? So I, I put a lot of blame on some of these businesses trying to save money on the bottom line. They are not hiring the experienced technical people, and I know a few people, quite a few that, that have significant experience programming and managing projects for 30 years that are having some trouble finding work. Why? They want to hire the young kid, is it going to be with them for the next 30 years, right? It's a, what do they call that, where you're you're not going to hire an older person, age discrimination.

Danny Ferrantino
You've got to have the experience. They don't know what they're doing, Craig. And so that's why there are so many of these issues nowadays with these either be poorly written code, or poorly written security measures or whatever else. And unfortunately, a lot of our cyber enemies are picking up on this.

Craig Peterson
Very, very true. I blame Microsoft. Here's why. Okay, you know how easy it is to program. Nowadays, it's drag and drop. It's like, if you want to build the car, you pull this transmission off the shelf, and you put it on top of this frame. Nothing by that you had to bolt together, by the way, you drop them on, and all the parts fit together. But when something happens, all you have is a red light on the dashboard, and you have no idea it's a problem with the transmission the drive, train somewhere, right. Or maybe you have a low tire. Bill Gates made it so easy for so many years for people to write software. And on one side, it's terrific, I'm glad that he's done that because we've got some great software because of it. But, on the other hand, we are now surrounded by people that are considered professionals. Look at the average small business their I.T. person is whoever likes computers the most. They I.T. professionals, they haven't worked at all these different levels. That's what the whole security summer is going to be about. I'm going to let everybody know. So you can attend you'll know which sessions There are so that you can go the ones that apply to you the most I'm not charging a dime, but for this, okay, so it's simple. I'm trying to get this information I'm trying to help the Small Business/medium business that says to an employee you're my computer gal now because you like computers the most. This security thing, as you pointed, out is enormous. We've got nation states coming after us who realize what our weaknesses are. Right now we've got Iran coming after our businesses, massively, as a retaliatory strike.

Danny Ferrantino
Well, Craig, as always, great stuff and now that you've scared me straight,



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