How To Use Cash Online - Secure Shopping Tips - Govt Employee Watching Porn Infected Network Russian Malware: AS HEARD ON: WTAG

Published: Nov. 27, 2018, 3 p.m.

Craig is on with Jim on the Jim Polito show as they talked about how to shop online safely securely especially during the holidays as well as a recent breach on the website by a porn-watching employee.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 11/27/2018

How To Use Cash Online - Secure Shopping Tips - Govt Employee Watching Porn Infected Network Russian Malware

Craig Peterson: 0:00

Hey everybody. Craig Peterson here this morning I talked about how to use cash online. Did you know you can do that for this shopping season. Little bit of a safety tip there and go into some detail about it all. I think you will enjoy my conversation with Mr. Jim Polito, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. And this shopping season is going wild. And of course, the holidays, get together with some family. Get together. Some friends. Just just have a great time. That's what I really enjoy about this time of year. And frankly, most of the year I guess that's one of the advantage to having a kids there's always a birthday going on. All right here we go with Jim.

Unknown 0:42
He is always here on Tuesdays. But we appreciate he was here last Friday, Black Friday with a lot of great advice about getting the best deals will now he's here today to tell us a couple of things. One, we'll start with that how to protect yourself while shopping online. Yes, Cyber Monday isn't over yet. Joining us now. Our Tech Talk guru and good friend Craig Peterson. Good morning, sir.

Unknown 1:10
Good morning, Jim. No, you're right. It is not just Black Friday or Cyber Monday anymore. Now. It's a whole season. It actually started within a week ago. All of last week. You saw to keep seeing them until the end of the year. This year.

Unknown 1:26
Yeah. And I would imagine, you know, like everything else when people are out in the streets in the old days, and they were going Christmas shopping and most of them Ed cash. You know, the pickpockets were out in force. Well, now we're all out there online with our credit or debit cards buying and I imagine the modern day pickpockets are all out there

Unknown 1:52
where they are in the world, frankly, in the online space. If really you want to send passionate use credit cards. And other thing I was that way for a long time. Jim I went to almost 20 years without a credit card. And for about five years of those I have a debit card. And then I finally came late. There are some ways that you can spend cash online nowadays that have come into a bit more popularity rightfully Jim. Wow. One of them. Yeah. Did you know that?

Unknown 2:26
I hadn't. Craig No idea. We better give this. This just in in the Jim Polito show newsroom. You can shop online with cash. Here's special correspondent Craig Peterson. Craig.

Unknown 2:42
Hey, good morning, Jim. We've got news coming out of Washington talking about how the government's putting their fingers in your pockets in many more ways than they ever have before.

Unknown 2:52
So how do you use I never heard this how to use cash online.

Unknown 2:56
Yeah, this is very interesting. A lot of people know about a hotel. And many people have PayPal account. Yeah, but did you know with PayPal, the first of all, their security has been extraordinary. Their record of keeping your data safe is incredible. But PayPal allows you to deposit money into a case how account kind of like a bank, all all of your money there is protected as well, which is really kind of nice. At least you know, to what degree PayPal has a better record for safety than most banks who was well, so that's one way you can do what you can also link your PayPal account into a bank account. And if you're going to do that, in order to really just kind of use cash, you don't want the credit card, make sure you open a separate bank account for you transfer some funds into your PayPal bank account. And then you can use PayPal online. And then Apple has a new way for you to send and receive and even family cash on line with Apple Pay. Now, if you have a more recent Apple phone, you'll find that that phone has the ability now to use up near field communications to use Apple Pay. And you can send people money. For instance, your kiddos you're 25 show or your kids calling you from his phone, because he's trying to buy gas somewhere. And he does Yeah, because, you know, you can stand with using your Apple phone. And there are some Android apps for this as well. But I really liked the way Apple does this, you can send him money right in a text message, it goes immediately to him. And now he can use that at the gas station using Apple Pay. So there are ways to not have a credit card now to tie them into bank accounts. Or even with Apple Pay. And Samsung Pay has some of these features as well to maintain cash balances with Apple that you can use to pay and you can use these apps websites. Now more and more as a website you go to, if they have an Apple Pay option is the safest way to spend money online. And all you have to do now is you go to the website, you have to be on your Apple browser. Yeah, you're on safari playing on your Apple Computer, and you go to check out and you select Apple Pay. Now what will happen is it will come up on your phone, it'll use either your phone's pass code, or your face ID, or your thumbprint. Some biometric verify, you do want to pay and you can pay using pairs that you put into your app. Or you can pay using a bank account, or you can pay using a credit card and the vendor that you're buying from never gets your banking information. So your banking information is completely protected. And all you're doing is no different than going up to a cat year and giving cash. It's the virtual basically equivalent of that. Yeah,

Unknown 6:06
yeah, it really yeah. And you don't need a credit card. For any of this, you, you don't need to use a debit card, which you should not be using online, you should not use debit card. But again, you can use Apple Pay to protect your debit card, which is really nice. All the merchant get when you buy something from them is a verified transaction, IP. And that's it. And that they don't have information about you unless you give it to them.

Unknown 6:34
Right. So I don't have to worry, the bottom line is I don't have to worry about this organization being hacked that that be, you know, and then and then finding out a year later, like they always do, oh, by the way, we got hacked. And all of this information came out, like the credit like them, the credit monitoring services, you know, whoa, oh, we got hacked when about a year ago. You know, that's, that's great. That's, that's very, very interesting. And that is the way we're talking with Greg Peterson, our tech talk guru, great guy, and at the end of this segment will give you a number the text My name to it, Craig will get you on his list. And you'll get all of this information plus more and standard data and text rates apply. So you really want to skip the debit card, you want to shop secure sites only. How do I know if a site is secure?

Unknown 7:32
So big trick, right? You saw this, this this one here. But if you don't got breached?

Unknown 7:40
Really. Really?

Unknown 7:41

Unknown 7:43
Well, listen, wasn't that the plan? Wasn't that the plan where I could keep my doctor keep my insurance and save 20, $500 a year? So I'm not surprised that it kept preached?

Unknown 7:55
Yeah, well, you know, it was so cheap, they just didn't have the money that have shared all that. That's what happened

Unknown 8:04
that gov is considered to be a secure site now at that, frankly, is a misnomer. Jeff. Yeah. Because all Secure Site means is that there is encrypted data between you and the site. So if the web URL as they asked, that means that you are probably talking to the website you think you're talking to, and that your data is secure. But that doesn't mean that once it gets there, that whatever the site is, is actually going to be able to keep your data safe. So bit of a misnomer, but it's kind of the low with far. But look for that little lock up on your web browser when you visit.

Unknown 8:47
And I guess you would say that it's time to beef up the passwords. That's an important thing, right?

Unknown 8:54
Yeah, absolutely is you should be using a different password for every way. I use different email addresses for almost every website out there as well. Use a good password generator. my number one recommendation is one password. And this might be a great little New Year's resolution for everyone. But certainly a great shopping resolution, one password and last pass in the other one says the digit one password, it's a little bit more sensitive, it is great for businesses, it's great for teams. And the last pass all one word last pass works well for individuals works well for team and you can get pre versions. Both of those are going to help you select good passwords and remember them as you go from ISIS like problem stuff that people write them down. I

Unknown 9:51
quickly before we go. I mean, I know I've seen reports in the past on the number of federal employees viewing adult material at work, and for how long they were viewing them the hours. But the problem is, we had one particular I'll say guy watching adult material, which basically invited the Russians into our computer systems, correct?

Unknown 10:22
Yeah, absolutely. This is a good lesson for everyone. If you're at work, only use work related web because in this case, it was on government employee at the US Geological Survey, he had apparently visited some 9000 adult websites, videos, site 9000, that one guy alone, he was downloading essentially malware, right? He was going to the site is grabbing porn. He was putting on a thumb drive on his Android cell phone plan. It's amazing, isn't it. And the auditors found that that his fitness source of some Russian malware that had Greg throughout the US Geological surveys network and computers, it was a forensic investigation that lasted a while. But we've got to remember as business people, you have to have standards in place that they the employees don't use any of these other sites as the standard because people don't always pay attention to what's new employee handbook when you have to be told not to look at porn at work. I mean, I think there's a greater issue there.

Unknown 11:40
It's almost like the you know, when you see the commercial and it says, stunt man, do not attempt this at home. Of course, I'm not going to jump off a bridge. But you know, when you have to say, hey, by the way, don't look at porn at work, and is a bigger issue there. Anyway, Craig, the number, please, that folks can text my name to J.I.M, Jim and get this information.

Unknown 12:07
855-385-5553. That's 855-385-5553.

Unknown 12:16
That's great. And standard data and text rates apply. Craig will not bother. You will not pester you will not hack you and Craig Thank you so much. This is a this was a great segment.

Unknown 12:28
Hey, thanks again. Take care. Take care.

Unknown 12:31
Craig Peterson everybody. Don't go anywhere. Final word when we return.


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