Dangers of DeepFake Technology and and more on the Jim Polito Show on WTAG

Published: Oct. 1, 2019, 1:41 p.m.

Hey, good morning, everybody, Craig Peterson here. And a shout out to those people listening on the weekend. May be this morning as well. Man. This was great this morning with Mr. Jim Polito. I think we were both on the ball, with exactly what he's been talking about all morning. I love listening to his show. When I'm not listening to podcasts or working, right, that's kind of my life lately. But here's what we talked about the whole deep fake thing. Some, I think, major surprises, at least for Jim, what's going to happen. Do you know what an October surprise is? Well, it's October 1, we're not going to have an October surprise this year. But we will next year. I've been following this deep fake pioneer, Hao Li and what he had to say is this. This is scary. I even went into President Obama's birth certificate when you're talking about deep fakes. So, we'll tie this all together. Listen in, I think you are going to really enjoy this. Here we go.

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Automated Machine Generated Transcript:

Craig Peterson 0:00
Hey, good morning, everybody, Craig Peterson here. And a shout out to those people listening on the weekend and maybe this morning as well. Man. This was great this morning with Mr. Jim Polito. I think we were both on the ball, with exactly what he's been talking about all morning. I love listening to the show. When I'm not listening to podcasts or working, right, that's kind of my life lately. But here's what we talked about the whole deep fake thing. Some, I think, major surprises, at least for Jim, what's going to happen. Do you know what an October surprise is? Well, it's October 1, we're not going to have an October surprise this year. But we will next year. I've been following this deep fake pioneer, Has Li and what he had to say is this. This is scary. I even went into President Obama's birth certificate when you're talking about deep fakes. So, we'll tie this all together. Listen in, I think you are going to really enjoy this. Here we go.

Jim Polito 1:04
Here he is. Our good friend from the great white north. But you know, he's from the great, the great cloud. He's kind of like he lives in the cloud. I'm talking about our tech talk guru. And all around great guy, Craig Peterson. Good morning, sir.

Craig Peterson 1:26
Hey, good morning.

Jim Polito 1:29
Good to talk with you today. This topic when I when you sent me this. I said this is important. And they're the deep fakes. This is the ability to manipulate video. And images like Hollywood does now. You know, in movies, you know, to make it look like Robert Downey Jr. is actually wearing an outfit you're in the suit and can fly. But the technology in the ability to do that could be in the hands of everyday people. And that I think is a problem. A big, big problem that people don't understand it's going to go beyond just folks making their own little funny movies. But These things could create war, and cause people to be harmed, cause people to be slandered and libeled when they didn't do anything. Don't you agree?

Craig Peterson2:42
Yeah. And then they've been proven right after the fact. This is really a major, major game changer. There is a researcher down at MIT at a conference and he said he thought deep fake sort of arriving in the next two to three years this was about a year ago, as I recall. And I want to try and what you're just saying to just real life. Toy Story came out recently. I don't know if you saw that your kids a little old? No,

Jim Polito 3:15
I didn't. But they loved the earlier movies. Yeah. They did

Craig Peterson 3:20
So let's just use toy stories. Example then. Toy Story for just came out. And compare that to the original Toy Story, which was about 20 years ago. Yeah. Yeah. And technology for Toy Story cost 10s of millions of dollars, just the technology to do that animation. But a couple of decades ago, today, you could make Toy Story easily on your smartphone. Yeah. And the software you'd have to buy is like a few bucks. Right now, if you even bothered with that. This Christmas. I think it is Carrie Fisher going to start in the new Star Wars. Right? Well, She's gonna be in it. But and she's dead.

Jim Polito 4:09
For about two years.

Craig Peterson4:13
Yeah, very troubled. That poor lady. Especially towards the end. Now, Carrie Fisher in Star Wars The last time was kinda cruddy if you saw it, right. But we have seen this in movies now where they're taking an actor, and they're making them younger. In fact, with Harrison Ford, what they did to make him look younger, is they use some of his videos his movies from 20 3040 years ago, right? Some of those were ago. And what they're able to do is use those videos, those old movies and a sample of them. So now I want to have your thing for a minute about who the most videotaped people are obviously actors, some of these actors around a while, yeah, I suspect that they will be with us for the next 50 years. Because frankly, they have plenty of samples from prior movies. And they're going to be able to use those samples and throw those faces. Initially, they're going to put the faces on to other actors that are up there. So they'll get somebody that's a close enough fit to present Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher. And they'll use all of this old video they have of them, and they'll just paste to the face on to those other bodies. So that's kind of step one. That's where we're at today. Today, already, you can do a pretty darn convincing job with just a home computer. Yeah, in making one of these deep fakes to just talking about,

Jim Polito 5:51
You know, and the least of people's worries would be I think this would be the least of their way that somebody would take your image and put you into an adult movie if you know what I mean. And then spread that around the internet and say, Oh, look, what we got here is just, you know, we got Jim to embarrass somebody, that would actually be the least of the worries, what if somebody took a video and made it look like Donald Trump was burning copies of the Quran? Okay, that he had a pile of them on the White House lawn, and he was throwing in copies of the Quran before anybody could say that's fake. Because it's, even though you have this technology, people in the know, know how to determine whether or not something is real.

Craig Peterson 6:45
It would be too late wouldn't it? You know, goes back to the basics of law. How do you prove a negative right court? Right? how, you know, and that's what we're facing right now. Obviously, President Trump and this whole thing you are talking about earlier this morning? There are issues there. But again, how do you prove this negative in court?

Now, this big tech pioneer, his name is Has Li. He was on CNBC on Friday. And he was saying that perfectly real, deep fake video technology is going to be accessible to everyday people in about six months. Now, we've already seen online disinformation spread through targeted social media campaigns, as well as through apps like WhatsApp. And it is already messed up elections around the world this information, the great article and in foreign policy, talking about what tap and how from India through Indonesia, Brazil, these one tap and these other online social media sites have already ready been messing with their elections. And these politicians have been using it to gain an advantage. So let's put all of this into a mixing bowl and stirred up what is heading our way soon. For instance, our neighbors to the north of New Hampshire are going to be having a primary election. I think it's February next year. We have one in more than six months from now, our then our general election coming up. And it's obviously going to be President Trump versus somebody on the other side and make you feel well to get his hat in etc, etc. Those time frames make it, Jim. So that we, first of all, we already know that social media has been used to manipulate people we already know deep takes a possible today and this researcher saying hey, six months from now, these things are going to be perfectly real. Yeah, they probably on deep x inspection can be examined closely and found to be deep fakes. Okay, that time that's true right now. How what's going to happen to put this all into a bowl? You know, I was talking just yesterday about something similar. I don't know the reason this was done. But let's go back to President Obama. You remember this whole thing about his birth certificate? Yeah. And was he born in the United States is even eligible to be president. And then he posted his birth certificate on the White House website. Yeah, I downloaded his birth certificate. And Jim, it was done by a sixth grader. It was obviously fake, obviously fake. And until the question, but why? Why did they do this? Did they create an obviously fake birth certificate for President Obama to just keep the narrative going, going to distract everyone? Why did they post that on the White House website? It was Kim, it was so obviously fake, anybody that uses Photoshop and the pastor illustrator, we go in there, the layers are still there, the software layers are still there, and the birth certificate. If you look at the edges of the characters, obviously, these were made on a typewriter and scanned, and the serial number was obviously put in by illustrator, Adobe Illustrator. So why was that fake? Obviously, fake birth-certificate put up on the White House website? Yeah. And now we, we look at the deep fake. And my mind is blown. That was just so simple. It was so simple. anybody looking at it would say, yeah, this is obviously a fake, right? Well, anyone that knows anything about technology, this is obviously it was fake, like gonna happen in six months to a year from now. Every every major presidential cycle every four years, we have something called an October surprise. Today is October 1. What's going to happen when someone releases enough? October surprise, yeah, that is a deep fake. Whether it's obvious or not, what's gonna happen?

Jim Polito 11:20
Yeah, because it What, what did? What did the Mark Twain say? A lie is traveled around the world before the truth is even woken up, you know, or gotten breakfast, or something like that. But yeah, it's absolutely true. This is fascinating. And I know Glenn Beck has talked about it in the past, and said, it's coming. While it's no longer it's coming, as Craig is telling us, it's here. So Craig, how do folks get this information? And then other information about all of this stuff? Bye. You know what? texting my name to this number?

Craig Peterson 12:06
Sure, that'll work at 855-385-5553. So just text Jim, just the word Jim, on your phone. to 855 385 8553. And I'll keep you up to date,

Jim Polito 12:21
Standard data and text rates apply. Craig Peterson will not take your image and insert you into some type of compromising video. He's done it to me, but he won't do it, too. Yeah. Yeah. Standard data and text rates apply. Craig This was fascinating. Always a pleasure, sir.

Craig Peterson 12:46
Thank you. Take care, Jim. Take care.

Jim Polito 12:48
All right, when we return a final word, don't go anywhere you're listening to the gym.

Craig Peterson 12:52
So what did you guys think of that? Is that something that that you like that kind of deep analysis and I try and do that on my weekend radio shows and we've been putting them up as podcasts we're going to continue doing that. But let me know what you get out about it, what you got out of it, what you think about it, how it applies to you and you know, your business people. Obviously, those are the ones that I am going to be able to hopefully pick a few up his clients so that I can keep my lights on and keep doing this. So if you're a business person, please take a minute to reach out to me if you don't, that's okay. If you're a home user, retiree, etc. Great. I am so glad to help you as well. But you can always reach me with anything at me at Craig Peterson.com Take Care of your body, my mind

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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