AS HEARD ON: WGIR NH Today - Artificial Intelligence and Our Phones

Published: July 2, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

How much learning are machines capable of?  As it turns out quite a lot.  Today, I spoke with Jack Heath about predictive AI research from the University of Bonn in Germany and what they learned as well as what Apple is learning from our iPhones.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 07/02/2018

Artificial Intelligence in Our Phones.

Craig Peterson:[00:00:00] Hey, Good Morning. I Hope you're having a great week, of course, I am when I'm recording this. We are looking forward to Independence Day, the Fourth of July, and all of our fellow Canadians out there will be having a great Canada Day, no longer Dominion Day. I’m just enjoying this time of year. Boy, we've got some serious heat here in the Northeast. I've been talking to some of my friends who are these snowbirds, who go down to Florida and I've asked them to stop bringing the 100 plus degree temperatures here to the northeast, it’s pretty bad. Hey, have you wondered about artificial intelligence. There is a scary new AI, out of the University of Bonn, over in Germany, and that's really, what I talked about this morning with Jack Heath. How's it going to affect you? Who's going to win this war series? Probably, the most well-known of these assistants that are out there. But, who's going to win? That's not always the first to market.

[00:00:58] That's for sure, on this Monday morning, because the tech never stops with Craig Peterson. His show airs on the weekends on our current stations. And, Craig joins us now, Good morning, Mr. Craig. 

[00:01:09] A good morning. You know you have a habit, a pattern of doing things. Jack, you are bound to be maybe a little bit surprised, maybe not. Have you heard about this new artificial intelligence, that is predicting the future?

[00:01:26] David Losh, not kidding. No, I haven't. I mean I've heard about AI. AI, and all this stuff and they say it's the next big the next big groundbreaking tech, but I haven't heard about predicting the future. 

[00:01:35] Yeah, this is really kind of interesting and frankly kind of creepy as well. There's a new artificial intelligence machine that has been put together, here. Over at the University of Bonn in Germany, by the way. And, what they did is they set it up to learn how these machines learn. When you talk about artificial intelligence, I mean they are really able to learn things, from their environment, right. They're not programmed to understand, that you put the right foot in front of the left foot in order to be able to walk there. They're able to understand how to move the muscles, and that's really kind of it, and then they learn how to walk. In fact, that particular computer was able to predict people’s actions. Now they were really looking at a small sample. They had videos of people cooking, and they fed the videos into the artificial intelligence, 40 of them in total and the artificial intelligence was able to look at them, and kind of analyze them about how people cook, Then, what they did is they gave them identity versus knowledge in some different videos, but not the whole video. Just a small amount of it, and then had the artificial intelligence to predict what people will do next. And it was really quite accurate. And frankly, the University of Bonn from now and you kind of scared me by saying they think that these guys will be able to predict our actions, many hours into the future. And that's a really, really, big deal. And, when we look at our new, for instance, our new iPhone, they have machine learning chip built into them and that's the next step toward artificial intelligence. 

[00:03:23] Google has a system that has really started taking hold and get traction. Google, in the last four months, tripled the number of hardware devices that are using the system and the whole goal behind it. And if you're already using Google, just that you know that. But the goal behind it is to be very predictive. So, it will remind you, “Hey you're going to go on the fourth you're going to this place or that place. It'll just remind you, that it kind of thing, without you doing anything. It's already analyzed your calendar and analyzed the traffic conditions your driving patterns how long it takes you to get to the car and told you when to leave. So, I think Jack, we have this to look forward to pretty quickly. And, in fact, Google's system has become so popular over in India, it was just launched, by the way, last month over in India. It's so popular that a half a million Indians have proposed marriage to Google. In other words, they said Google, Will you marry me, please. 

[00:04:27] Amazing. All right, Craig, good stuff. Craig Peterson with than O.N. dot com Craig man, make it a good Monday, and a great Fourth to you too.

[00:04:34] Happy Independence Day. Thank you. And tomorrow morning

[00:04:38] And my best to all of you out there, as well, all of our great listeners, I so appreciate you and appreciate you sharing it. I had a really cool thing happened last week somebody had tagged me in a post, saying. “Hey, this is the guy I was telling you about”. And, they tagged a few different people, so, that was really kind of cool. And a couple of shout outs this week as well we were able to help out a couple of other small businesses and went back and visited because you know once you get the technology in place that's kind of just the start of things right. You have to make sure it's working. It's integrated, the employees understand it. Everything else. So, you know we don't mind it, we like making those follow up visits to make sure all of the technology is in place, anyhow. Have a great week! A great Independence Day. I'll be back tomorrow, and I going to talk to Jim, take care, bye-bye.


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