AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings with Ken and Matt: Google has your Medical Records and more

Published: Nov. 20, 2019, 5:08 p.m.

Good morning everybody!

I was on with Ken and Matt. We talked about Google and the Partnership they have with Ascension the second-largest medical conglomerate in the US and what it means to our privacy. 

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Big Tech Has Your Private Medical Records -- Through Hospital Partnerships   


Automated Machine Generated Transcript:

Craig Peterson0:00
Hey, good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I'm sorry if you're listening to the podcast and Craig's ranting again if you don't want to hear my rant about medical records, I'd take a different angle on this one today. After having ranted a couple of times about it this week. I think I've kind of refined my messaging, as they say in the biz. Anyhow, I had a good chat this morning with Ken and Matt and we spoke with the people of Maine a little bit about some of the technology and of course, what should we be doing? What are the ultimate outcomes of having Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others examining our health records? I take a different angle today.  I have to mention too, by the way, wow, we're starting to get some good numbers, decent numbers over on the Facebook Live. So thanks, everybody. There's watching those you can get them. Just go to Craig Peterson dot com slash Facebook, it is so much easier for people to find me that way, then trying to search on Facebook, but you can search and you can find me there to my tech talk page over there. But anyway, thanks for everybody that's promoting it to their friends. We've even been sharing some of these little videos. I think yesterday, it was like four and a half minutes long. And I'm talking about some basic technical stuff, and primarily around security. And, you know, mostly kind of leaning towards mostly business. But home people if you listen, you will get information that's applicable to you as a home user or SOHO - Small Office/Home Office. Now here we go to Ken and Matt.

Matt Gagnon 1:49
Here's the thing, great Wednesday, we're chock full of things chocked full of things that we need some filler and we need some exciting, interesting thing.

Ken Altschuler 1:58
We're just trying to spread the word around but you know, Wednesdays, are we like once a week we would rather you have you on Wednesday? Then not have you at all?

Craig Peterson2:06
Oh, there you go. Okay. Well, that's good to know. I'm not totally being abandoned here. No, no.

Matt Gagnon 2:12
It has to do with us. It's I'm not just a pawn in your game of world domination. We'd like you to be part of it. We want to take you with us.

Ken Altschuler 2:26
So, So, you know, Craig, I was looking over your website, and you know, everything's breaches. And I mean, Google has health records on us. I mean, so what? Should I just be really depressed about the tech news today? Is there anything good happening in the tech world?

Matt Gagnon 2:43
Besides photocopiers, you mean, exactly

Craig Peterson 2:46
I'm talking about Google first.

Ken Altschuler 2:56
How does one job it's supposed to copy things and there's a PDF or something don't know I'm not asking to copy? I am I it has a function where you're supposed to literally be able to eat mail to yourself. I use it on my own copier, which is almost exactly like this one every day. And all you do is put in the email address, you hit the green button, and it says Do you want to send my email says I would like to send that and then it sends it. And yet it simply cannot accomplish this goal. So yeah. Anyway,

Ken Altschuler 3:18
I apologize. 

Craig Peterson 3:22
So good. Well, yeah, there's some good news in the tech world, Frankly, there's a lot of stuff going on. We've got some new technology coming out just in time for the holiday shopping season. And we're going to be talking in fact that next week, you guys are going to have a couple of things about how to stay safe online during the shopping season because there's a lot worse stuff happening now. But we haven't talked about these pale blue batteries, have we? This is a very cool technology. It's one of these GoFundMe things It was really well funded. And I actually have some sitting in front of them. As a powerful member of the media community, they sent me a few of these things. These are absolutely amazing. They're using yet another technology. It's the same types that you have in these little helicopters. Have you seen these things that like in the malls? Yes. Where they take like 30 seconds to charge and they fly around for like five minutes. Yes, it's the same basic technology but pale blue has these things in triple-A batteries and double-A batteries. And built right into the side of them is a micro USB charger. They have a light on them to tell you how charged they are. They charge up in like 20 minutes, just a regular micro USB cable and charger anybody right from your laptop or whatever you have. And they run your devices for just as long as pretty much any other battery. I have these pale blues right now. My Bluetooth keyboard and also in my Bluetooth mouse trackpad thing here. And I have been absolutely amazed. So this is some new technology. There's some other new battery technology that's coming out the guy that invented lithium-ion batteries. He, in fact, he just got a Nobel Prize this year. Finally, after inventing these all those years ago, he's come up with something that he's called lithium glass batteries. And these will let you charge them up like a car, fully charged in about 20 minutes. That'll take you probably instead of 300 miles about 500 miles. So this type of technology is coming down the road. I absolutely love it with this is what we need as we get more mobile as we have more 5g coming out. And I think that's good news can. Okay.

Matt Gagnon 5:56
Oh, you're talking.

Craig Peterson 5:58
You feel a little better. Thank you. A little better. Thank you

Matt Gagnon 6:02
 A little better. Thank you. You asked about Google and these health records. Again, Yes.

Craig Peterson 5:58
This thing is to me concerning I don't know about you guys. But Google has this partnership that they entered into with Ascension. This is a country's second-largest health system, that it's part of the whole Catholic nonprofit health system and includes 34,000 providers who see patients at 2600 hospitals, doctors' offices, other facilities across 21 states. I'm not sure if we have Catholic hospitals here in Maine or not. I know you guys know. Okay. Well, apparently Ascension has quietly given all of the medical records, diagnoses, laboratory test results, hospitalization records, and other data including patient names and birthdays, this is all reported by the Wall Street Journal,  to Google. Google, of course, just bought Fitbit, which is giving them more health information as people are using it to monitor their sleep. They're using it to monitor their, you know, running, walking, exercise, climbing, heart rhythms, etc. So more, you know, it's this, the numbers get crazy. So what about 30 years ago? Because of HIPAA, they were able to give all of your medical records to Google without even notifying you.

Ken Altschuler 7:40
Why don't they say no?

Craig Peterson 7:44
HIPAA is mainly about portability, right? They were forcing doctors to move the records to computers, electronic medical records, and that's been a nightmare because all kinds of small doctors' offices and clinics and even Big healthcare organizations don't know how to keep our data safe, which drives me crazy, right? So it's been a nightmare from that standpoint. But what HIPAA did is, whereas before HIPAA went into place, they would have to ask your permission before sharing records. Now, they can share your medical records for all kinds of reasons. You know, I could be a multi-billionaire, walk up to a hospital say, Hey, I'm interested in buying you, I want to see the records of every patient, and I could get my hands on them without the patients being notified. In this case, what they've done is they said, Hey, listen, Google, here's what we want. We want you to look at all of this, analyze all of this so that we can have better outcomes so that we can save in costs and ultimately save lives. Now where I get concerned about this, because you know, those are all great goals. I love it. But I get very concerned that now our records are in the hands of Google and that means they are going to end up in the hands of our employers. potentially. They're already looking at some of these records. If you look at the socialist countries of the world, like Canada or the UK, their national health system in the United Kingdom has been using computers now artificial intelligence much the same as well, Google's using to predict when someone's going to die and predict whether or not it's worth spending any money on them at all. So they're saying, Hey, listen, you know, you're going to die in a matter of a few months. So we're not going to spend a dime on you. Because most of the money that's spent in health care when you boil it all down, is those last few months of life so why should we bother treating you? Then I've already seen my family in Canada, where they refuse to treat my grandmother for atrial fibrillation. They refuse to treat my grandfather for gout in he ended up having his foot cut off because they just plain old wouldn't treat it. My father in Toronto, three hours in the back of a hot of an ambulance driving around trying to get treatment. And he finally gets into a hospital finally accept him. And they take him they overnight they do the blood test. Yeah. You got a sloping t wave looking at his 12 lead. Yeah, he had a heart attack. take aspirin and call us if it happens again. versus what happens is my father in law happened to my father-in-law. Yeah, up in Washington state where they treated him they looked at him seriously. Did stress test I did nothing like that for my father. And you know, I spent 10 years in emergency medicine, right. So I know a little bit about this stuff. So when I see Project Nightingale, which is what Google's calling this partnership with the country's second-largest healthcare organization. I start to freak out. I hear, you know, you guys talk about Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc. I hear these politicians saying we need socialized medicine. And yet every country, every major country that has socialized medicine, and I do have family members in Canada, that does not have an absolute horror story about medical treatment, and we're not talking about people that can't afford it. We're not talking about people that couldn't have insurance, okay. But every one of these countries wants to get rid of it. And we've got Google, we've got Microsoft, we have a basic Amazon, every major player trying to get into this business. I am starting to freak out, gentlemen.

Ken Altschuler 11:45
Well, I wouldn't want to freak you out anymore. So we're going to leave it there because we're out of time anyway. We're gonna stick a pin in this and maybe we'll talk to you next Wednesday, maybe next Monday.

Matt Gagnon 11:59
When we will find out a little about holiday shopping.

Craig Peterson 12:02
Thanks, guys.

Matt Gagnon 12:02
Appreciate it. Craig, as always, we'll talk again soon. Thanks.

Ken Altschuler 12:03
Thanks, Craig

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