AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings with Ken and Matt: Browsing with Privacy and the Firefox Browser, Passwords and Password Managers and IoT and 5G and more

Published: Nov. 6, 2019, 1:44 p.m.

Good morning everybody!

I was on with Matt and Eric Lusk who was subbing for Ken. We talked about browsers and privacy.  Firefox is taking the stance that privacy is where they need to concentrate their advanced efforts and updates.  That is great news for everyone.  We also hit Passwords and Password Managers and why you should use one and 5G and the internet of things. 

I am out in Phoenix at a big conference and will have some big announcements after I return that will help every one of you to cyber secure your life.

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Security 101 - Passwords and Password Management 


Automated Machine Generated Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on this morning over on WGAN in Maine on their am FM stations and talked a little bit with Eric, who was in for Ken this morning, Eric and Matt, about browsers what you should be looking for. Firefox has a new claim that we talked about this morning, I gave some advice on the thing, you need to download the one plugin that you must put on all of your browsers, and where to get that. And Eric asked a little bit about 5g and how it's going to change his life. So, of course, we got into that as well. So here we go with Eric and Matt.

Well, ladies, gentlemen, it is that time of the day and that time of the week again, because 738 on a Wednesday, and that means that it's time to talk to Mr. Peterson. Craig Peterson, our tech guru joins us now Craig, How are you this morning?

Hey, I am enjoying the conversations this morning between you two. This is quite a time we live in. It is quite a time ladies and gentlemen that we live in certainly the day after the election in Portland which made Matt a happy man. is a great day. Yes, indeed. So, let's start off in the world of technology, sir, by telling me something that has been beguiling me for some time. Firefox, so so there's privacy protections that make website trackers visible here and I and I used to be a Firefox guy, I guess is where I'm asking this question. And I switched off what like the rest of America to Chrome ages and ages and ages ago and I never switched back. But I've heard good things sort of in recent times about Firefox sort of being worth it again. What do you what? Generally speaking your take on all this?

Okay, well, I did a pop-up training about different browsers. And in this day and age, something worth talking about. Microsoft, of course, had their internet explorer, aka Internet Explorer, bum, bum bum, a really poorly designed and implemented browser that didn't work on many websites out there. And what really kind of got Microsoft to pull up his socks was what you were just talking about, which is the Chrome browser out of Google. So Microsoft realized Internet Explorer was not worth it's salt. So they went ahead and they replaced it with another browser that they had created. Internet Explorer was actually created by Paul de and, and TSA. And they took the code so I won't go into all the details. But now Microsoft's newest web browser is actually Google Chrome. And it's rebadged. It's using something called chromium, which is the basis for Google Chrome. So Microsoft has switched over to Google Chrome many people So Matt, you're not left alone. I'm sure Eric uses Chrome as well. I use it from time to time I use Google Chrome if I try to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer, the 8 gigabytes of ram just grinds to close. Right? It explodes. Hence the name Internet exploder. Your question about Firefox is really quite opportune because there are two worlds there are three browsers out there that really keep privacy in mind. Now, you might have noticed over the last two, there are a lot of plugins designed to block ads, etc. Google removed the ability to block at an in certain cases, they removed it from Chrome now, because of course, they make their money through advertising can't blame on the guys over at Firefox have decided they're going to make privacy there. No Bro one thing for Firefox, and their latest version, which is verse 70, settles, the Firefox browser has a lot of privacy protection built-in. So I like it. I like it a lot. And I'm going to give you guys a little plugin you can put into your browser that's going to help no matter what browser use. The other two privacy browsers out there are opera. And there are rumors that opera has now got some Chinese connections, I have not been able to verify that. But opera by far, very, very privacy-related much more so than then Chrome is. And then the most private browser is called epic epi C. And the epic browser is also based on Chrome and chromium. So it has a lot of that same functionality, but it blocks pretty much everything and cookies. Now here's what I want everybody to write down. If you're using Chrome or Firefox or anything, something called Privacy Badger. And its Privacy Badger BADGR. Just like that nasty little road and to cleanse around from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Privacy Badger is available as a plugin for almost any browser out there. And it watches where you're going. And it looks for trackers on the website. And it automatically learns which trackers it thinks should be blocked. And it is the least intrusive that I have ever seen for keeping your privacy. Privacy Badger. Epic might not work with some websites, Firefox and Opera work pretty much with all websites, but you can add Privacy Badger to both of those. So what do I recommend? If you really want the ultimate and private use? Epic. There is something even more private called the Tor Browser but then it gets complex. But use epic. If you want good privacy use Firefox, I would say I use opera a lot. And in any case, even if you're using Chrome, get the Privacy Badger. It's free. It's easy to download and install it on your browser.

All right, we're talking to Craig Peterson, our tech guru. He joins us every once in a while, Wednesdays at 738. By, by and large, to talk about what is happening in the world of technology. Craig, tell me a little bit about one password. What is it and why is it changing things for some enterprises?

Well, one password is what I use it because allows me and my teams to be able to share certain information, one password to keep passwords and logins for, generate passwords. But it also allows you to apply it and so as a family, Husband, and wife can share bank account information with it in business enterprises. Because now with allows them to have team so you might have a team of people to work or even just a few people that are working on the website, for instance, so they can all formation and then if someone leaves a team, you can instantly remove their access to the passwords and have someone go through and change all the passwords. So one password businesses what we're talking about here, they've got advanced protection mode, as well as all kinds of monitoring tools that let you know if a website is being compromised, and it helps take care of the biggest threat to security for most organizations, and that the people with absolute phenomenal employees all kinds of factual information in their hands and sometimes it gets lost. So one password has some holes and some key levels. recommend to anyone in the business. And both guys, Matt and Eric, you should be using one password, because it really helps you keep all of your accounts all of your logins safe. And remember, I told you that you should lie to your bank. When it comes to rolling password recovery questions. One password keeps up straight for you. Because you should be making up the answers to which high school did you attend? was your first date you know those questions? Make up the answers use one password to store them securely so that if you do need to use the password recovery stuff, you've got the right information, which is the wrong information, right? Because you're just totally made it up out of thin air for the eventuality that the websites going to be compromised and to stop the bad guys from getting the answers to your password caliber security questions.
Craig, and see if I can get in one quick question. How is 5g going to change my life compared to 4g technology? Did you
just say that? That was a quick question?

I got two minutes here. Here's the bottom line, Eric 5g is going to change everybody's life. Because first of all, Data Access is going to be way faster than it is right now ultimately when it rolls out, but it's going to be cheaper. And 5g is designed to handle billions of simultaneous connections. What that means is everything that can have activity is going to happen. Now, for instance, your Tesla, two parts in the garage connects via the internet, the Tesla,
of course, I plug it in every night.

Yeah, exactly. And when you plug it in, and it connects to the home Wi-Fi network, it updates that software automatically. It's 5g. Eric, what's going to happen is everything's going to be internet-connected, your glasses are going to be internet-connected. Because it's so inexpensive, so easy. And it's designed to have so many devices connected, which opens up, of course, a number of worms when you're talking about the things because it will make the internet of things I'm talking about. Anchor, you're going to keep track of how far you walk that morning and everything is going to be online, Greg.

If I could just find my five-year-old sneakers every morning. I would be happy if I could just find them.

Yeah, there's probably going to be an app for that.

Yeah, exactly. There will.

Alright, well, Craig Peterson, our tech guru joins us on Wednesdays at this time to go over what's happening in the world of technology. thank you as always, always a pleasure and we will talk again next week.

By the way 1 pm on Saturday.
By the way, 1 pm on Saturday, every Saturday, Craig has a show right here on WGAN. And thanks a lot, Craig. Appreciate it. And good luck with the show this weekend. Thanks. All right, so why don't we take a quick moment here and toss it back over the news.

Hi, guys, hey, I'm out at a conference. And I'm going to be here for well about another week, actually. And I just want you to keep your head up. Because if you aren't on my mailing list, you are going to find out about some very cool stuff that we're going to be doing later here in the month of November and December, and after the first of the year, too.

So if you're not on my mailing list, if you don't get my weekly emails that come out every Saturday morning, make sure you subscribe right now are you going to miss some amazing stuff? You might have already missed some of these pop-up training that I've been doing that have each gun a couple of hours apiece sometimes a little bit more. So go to Craig slash Subscribe, and right there, you'll see a little form. I won't spam you. I do let you know when I have two training courses when I have the pop-ups when I have all of this stuff, but this is not one of those heavy sell marketing type things. And you're going to want to know about what we're doing coming up here to help you out. All right, have a great day and we'll be back with the show this weekend. Bye-bye.

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